kj brandman - stargazing

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kj rested her head on my chest as we gazed up at the starry night sky. i ran my fingers through her curly hair while she traced patterns on my hand.

"look" she said, her body shooting up as she pointed at a shooting star, "it's beautiful"

i sat up and wrapped my arms around her waist. she giggled and leaned back into my touch.

i looked down and admired the way she looked so mesmerized when looking at the stars, i almost wanted to take a picture of her so it could last longer.

her elbows rested on my thighs, she pulled my skirt up a little to trace a heart on my thigh with her finger. my cheeks heated when she spelled three words, the most special words, ones i've been waiting to hear from her, i love you.

she turned around and crossed her legs, her body was now facing mine. she held my hands in hers. we both sat there smiling for a minute, before i leaned forward and connected our lips.

she rested her hands on the back of my head, threading her fingers through my hair, while my hands held her cheeks.

i pulled away, our foreheads touched and our breathing was heavy, "kj..." i started,

"hm?" she hummed.

"i love you" i whispered.

she smiled and pecked my lips again, "i know you do, silly. i love you more"

"no you don't!" i protested.

"yes i do!"

"shut up" i rolled my eyes "i love you more"

"well i said it first so, that means i love you more"

"no kj, you traced it onto my thigh, i love you more"



"fine," she sighed "you love me more"

i smiled and pulled her into a tight hug "i know"


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