mac coyle - "hate"

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"god! i can't stand her!" i complained, my friend, tiffany just rolled her eyes,

"can we stop talking about this?" she sighed, grabbing another handful of popcorn from the bucket sitting in front of us.

"yeah" erin chimed in, "lets just... talk about something else"

"whatever," i mumbled, erin picked up the full sized chocolate bar she brought and offered it to me. i smiled and put a piece into my mouth.

"i just- i can't stand her! she gets on my nerves. she always has something to say and she's just always bugging me!" i started again.

"yes, we know, y/n. you don't like mac very much" tiff groaned.

"i hate her" i grumbled.

"you guys clearly don't hate each other that much, you two are always complaining about each other to us. you don't talk about someone you supposedly 'hate' this much" erin said, popping another piece of popcorn into her mouth.

"w-what do you mean?" my cheeks heated up "what has she said about me?"

"hah! you're blushing now too! i knew you guys liked each other!" erin laughed.

"i'm not blushing! i don't like her, i can't stand her!"

"okay" tiff grinned sarcastically, "what ever you say"

i narrowed my eyes before tossing a piece of popcorn at her. i leaned back in my chair and huffed, "what has mac said about me?" i asked again.

"just that you annoy her and blah blah blah, just stuff you say, but when i brought up the fact that you also always talk about her, her cheeks got so red" erin told me,

"just like how yours are now" tiff finished.

i covered my face with my arms "shut up" i mumbled, hearing the girls laugh before talking about something else.

i could only think about what erin told me, mac talks about me too? yeah, she's not saying nice things, just like the things that i say about her. erin and tiff don't know what they're talking about, i hate mac and she hates me too, and i was not blushing!


i groaned, hearing my loud alarm clock go off. it was 4:30 in the morning, and i had my paper route. tiff always comes over to my house and we bike together, she hates being off schedule so i have get ready now.

i stood up and turned on my lamp, i had already rolled up all the newspapers the night before, so i had less to do this morning.

i hoped i wouldn't have to see mac this morning.

i finished getting ready, i pulled on a pair of pale blue mittens and grabbed my bag of newspapers, "y/n! lets go!" i heard tiffany yell from outside.

"coming, tiff" i sighed, swinging my door open and hopping onto my bike.

"took you long enough" tiff sighed.

"well good morning to you too!"

tiff and i started to bike, throwing papers onto porches and talking.

"hey, mac!" i heard tiff say, i rolled my eyes as tiff stopped her bike, there was mac smoking a cigarette. she was leaning against a fence, her bike and bag of newspapers on the ground.

"tonya," she said, tilting her head up. she tucked her bottom lip between her teeth as she looked over at me, "oh, and your dork is here too"

"fuck off..." i muttered.

she raised her eyebrows, "you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

"smoking kills, you know. you'll probably die soon" i said coldly, narrowing my eyes at her.

"oh yeah?" she started, blowing smoke into my face, laughing as i coughed and waved it away.

i heard tiff speak up, "okay, well we're pretty much finished, y/n. i'm going to head home"

"o-okay, see you later, tiff" i waved, tiff mumbled a small 'see you' before riding off.

i looked back at mac, "well... i'm going to go home too. have fun ruining your lungs" i sighed.

mac threw her cigarette onto the ground and stepped on it "hey, wait"

i looked at her, "what?" she didn't say anything. "seriously, mac. i'd rather not be here with you, of all people i could be spending time with i don't ever want to-"

my complaints were cut off my mac crashing her lips onto mine. her hands held my cheeks. i was so shocked, my arms stayed hanging by my sides.

when she pulled away and i looked at her with my eyes wide, "what- what was that?" my voice was quiet.

"just to get you to shut up, it worked didn't it?" she pulled another cigarette out from her pocket and lit it.

"i... still hate you" i mumbled.

"back at ya" she replied, leaning back up against the fence and looking at me with a grin.

i looked away, my cheeks felt hot as i tried to bike away quickly. i wobbled slightly, i can't believe she kissed me, why? why would kiss me... i thought she hated me.

"see you around, dork!" i heard her yell from behind me.

i looked back at her and flipped her off, "have fun getting lung cancer!" i yelled back at her.

"i will!"


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