mac coyle - like... love

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"mac!" i squealed, running over with a wide grin spread across my face, jumping onto mac and wrapping my arms around her neck.

mac groaned as she fell to the ground with me clinging to her "hey" she mumbled, butterflies flew around inside my stomach at how raspy her voice sounded and her gentle fingers threading through my hair.

"missed you, mackie" i smiled against her.

she scoffed, "don't call me that, dickhead"

i picked my head up and frowned at her, "why? it's cute!" i argued, she just gave me a half smile and stroked the side of my face,

"no, it's not" she laughed, squeezing my cheeks together with both her hands.

"yeth it ith!" i argued again, it coming out muffled as she squeezed my cheeks closer together.

"it ith?" she asked with a sarcastic smile.

i pulled her arms away from my face and stuck my tongue out at her, "fine what should i call you then? big mac? mac and cheese?"

"just mac" she replied.

"that's boring" i sighed, resting my head back down on her chest, she continued to play with my hair. i laughed when she tried to braid my hair, but failed, telling me to "shut up"

"should we get up from the ground?" i asked her, trying to steady myself on my feet.

"no..." she started, grabbing my arms and pulling me back down "lets just... lay here for a little longer"

i rested my head back down on her chest and smiled, "okay..." i traced my fingers along her arm.

"mac," i spoke up

"hm?" she hummed,

"i... i really like you. really, really like... like... love" i muttered, covering my reddening cheeks with my hands.

"what?" she asked, sitting up on her elbows as i got off of her and sat next to her.

"yeah..." i sighed, looking down at my hands "it's okay if you don't feel the same... or uhm, if you-"

i was cut off by her crashing her lips onto mine, she cupped my jaw with her hands, while i rested mine on her neck.

i could feel her smile into the kiss, my cheeks were tinted a pale pink.

she pulled away and touched our foreheads together, "i love you too, dork" she smiled.

i giggled and wrapped my arms back around her neck, pulling her back onto the grass and laying down next to her.

she slung her arm around my waist while i picked a daisy from off the ground, i smiled and tucked mac's hair behind her ear, putting the daisy on her ear and smiling, "so pretty mac!"

her cheeks got red as she turned away from me, "shut up" she mumbled.

"don't look away mac!" i wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me "you're the prettiest girl ever!"

"no you are!" she argued, "so shut up, you're the most beautiful girl in the entire universe! the entire galaxy!" she exaggerated.

"galaxy?" i laughed.

"yes! now shut up!" she huffed.

"whatever you say..." i giggled,

"yeah, i'm right"

"okay, mac"


A/N - sorry for not being as active, i just started school and have been busy, i'll try and update this book as much as i can. i've been working on a mitch kramer fan fiction, if you want to check that out, the first chapter is out now. if you have any more requests, please feel free to let me know. hope you all have an amazing day <33

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