erin tieng - new girl

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the air felt cool as i rode my bike along the road, my bag of newspapers hanging off my shoulder. i heard- a shout from behind me, "hey, y/n!" i turned around to see tiff and and another paper girl i hadn't seen before.

i smiled when the two stopped their bikes beside mine, "hey" i sighed.

"hey" tiff started "this is erin, she's new"

i looked over at her, her cheeks were tainted a pale pink and her head hung low.

"hi erin, it's nice to meet you" i smiled "my name is y/n"

she looked up and gave me a small smile "nice to meet you..." she muttered.

i thought she was so cute. from the moment i saw her i knew i liked her.

the three of us kept biking, erin and i had similar routes so we stayed together, while tiff went off to finish hers.

we biked in silence for a few minutes, it wasn't even awkward though, it was a comfortable silence. i felt like i could be myself around her, and if we didn't feel like talking there wasn't any pressure to.

"y/n..." i heard her mumble.

"yeah?" i smiled as i turned to look at her.

she stopped her bike, my eyebrows furrowed but i stopped beside her.

"are you okay, erin?" i asked her, placing the back of my hand on her forehead, she did feel hot.

"are you feeling alright? why don't you go home and i can finish your rou-" i was cut off by her grabbing my sweater and pulling me into a kiss. my eyes widened but i still kissed back.

she pulled away, her cheeks were bright red. she looked down, "sorry..." she mumbled pulling her hands away and letting them hang by her sides.

"n-no, it's okay, i liked it" i told her.

she looked up at me, i grabbed her cheeks and kissed her again. she wrapped her arms around my neck while mine stayed on her cheeks.

i pulled away, both of us smiling like crazy.

her cheeks were still bright red and her hands were shaky as they held mine -

so cute.


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