mac coyle - nerd

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the hallways were crowded. i walked with my head facing down, holding my books closer to my chest.

i jumped when i felt someone grab my wrist and pull me away. i already knew who it was, it was mac.

i had to write her english essay for her, she said she'll give me ten dollars to do it.

she stopped walking and pushed me against a wall, there wasn't anybody around.

"did you finish it?" she asks, pulling a cigarette and a lighter out of her pocket.

i nodded my head slowly, "yeah" i breathed.

"good" she replied, lighting the cigarette with a heavy sigh.

"here" she says, handing me the ten dollars.

i opened my backpack and handed her the essay.

she skimmed through it, she folded it then stuck it into her back pocket.

"well, thanks, nerd. this has been real" she said, blowing cigarette smoke into my face before walking off.

"w-wait, mac" i called after her. she turned around.

"uh, do you maybe want to uh, hang out later?" i asked, hoping that there might be some sort of miracle and she'd say yes.

she laughed, "really? you think i'd hang out with you?" she asked, walking closer to me.

"w-well i thought, maybe uhm..." i stuttered, she kept walking towards me till i was backed up against the wall again.

she took the cigarette out of her mouth and stuck it into mine. i coughed and pulled it out, she laughed and threw it to the ground, stepping on it.

she grabbed both my cheeks and kissed me. my eyes were wide, i couldn't believe that mac coyle was kissing me.

she pulled away, adjusting her backpack then continuing to walk.

i stood there amazed as i watched her walk away, "see you around, loser" she laughed "try not to miss me so much" she added, blowing me a kiss.

my cheeks reddened as i turned around and walked the opposite way, i couldn't help but smile as the kiss played over and over again in my head.


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