mac coyle - all i've ever needed

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i've always wondered why mac was so protective over me; i was very clumsy, but so are the other girls, but she seems to only care that i'm not getting hurt.

when we traveled to 2019, she was always asking if i was alright, we hadn't really known each other that well, but she was always holding my hand and making sure i didn't get hurt.

when i saw my future self, i was really unhappy with how i turned out. i didn't feel like talking to any of the girls, they were all worried, but mac was especially.

we just stayed sitting on older erin's couch, my head rested on her shoulder and her arms were wrapped around me. her fingers threaded through my hair as she whispered reassuring words to me.

"everything is okay, y/n"

"please, don't cry... i'm sure your older self is so great"

"it's okay to be upset, things won't always turn out how you thought, but older you is trying really hard, and is so strong"

"i hate it when you cry, please, don't be upset"

"i'm here, shhh, it's okay" 

when mac was angry and left us to go see her brother, she didn't take me with her, and i really hoped she would.

when larry told us that mac is probably dead, that really hurt me. i care so much for mac, i hoped she wasn't angry with me, i wouldn't know what to do with myself if she was angry with me.

kj saw how upset i was, she was mac's friend too, she told me she would find her and bring her back to me. i told her to be careful, she pinky swore mac would be okay and we would be together again.

i waited anxiously; i missed her. she meant so much to me, i hadn't known her for very long  but i wouldn't know what to do if i didn't have her.

"y/n! look! they're back!" i heard erin yell, i turned around to see kj on the motorcycle with mac clinging to her.

tears welled up in my eyes as i ran over to them. mac hopped off and pulled me into a tight hug. i missed her so much, i was so glad she was okay.

i pulled away and punched her shoulder, "don't ever do that again! i was so worried about you!"

she smiled and held me close to her, "i won't, i'm sorry"

"you should be" i mumbled as i gripped onto her jacket and buried my head in her crook of her neck.

when we traveled to 1999, i was shot by the old watch, i was healed but i remember how worried mac was, i had never seen her cry before.

after i was healed, she held me so close to her, and always made sure i was okay.

"are you sure you're alright, y/n?"

"just hold onto me, okay?"

"if anything else happens to you i swear to god-"

"please don't leave me"

those last words stuck with me, i guess she needed me as much as i needed her. i love her, i love her more than anything. her kindness towards me and how protective she was made me get butterflies in my stomach. she was usually cold and tough around others, but she was never like that with me.

she was so cool and pretty and the fact that she feels the same about me is all i've ever needed. she's all i've ever needed, and i'll never, ever leave her, and i know she'll never leave me either.


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