erin tieng - sweetheart

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"y/n!" i heard someone yell from behind me, i turned around to see erin running towards me, a happy smile plastered across her face and her arms open wide.

she pulled me into a hug. i giggled, wrapping my arms around her and petting her hair.

"i missed you..." i heard her mumble into my neck, placing a single kiss above my collarbone.

"i missed you too, sweetheart" i responded, i felt erin smile against me.

"don't call me thattttt" she whined, pulling away from the hug.

"you know you like it" i laughed, pulling her back into me by her waist. she sighed once i placed a single kiss to her lips.

she wrapped her arms around my neck while i cupped her cheeks, i leaned forward and kissed her again.

i pulled her closer, i felt her cheeks heating up in my hands, i couldn't help but smile into the kiss.

she pulled away and touched her forehead to mine, "i love you" she whispered,

"i love you too" i responded, kissing her cheek and pulling her into a tight hug.

i placed a strand of hair behind her ear and whispered, "sweetheart"


A/N - i hope you all like this, i know it isn't much but i promise to be more active - <3

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