mac coyle - nerd pt. 2

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i waited patiently outside the school, looking around and trying to see if i could find mac. my eyes went wide as i saw her walking out with her brother and a group of his friends. i grinned and ran over to them.

"mac!" i waved, mac turned around, she smiled slightly, punching her brother in the arm before walking over to me.

"hey loser" she smiled, leaning up against the wall next to me and lighting a cigarette.

"h-hi mac..." i mumbled, my cheeks reddened, "do you want to walk home together?" my voice sounded quiet, i was so nervous.

"sure" she shrugged, grabbing my hand and holding it in hers as we walked. she offered me her cigarette, to which i abruptly declined, making her laugh.

"what was your last class?" i asked her.

"math" she sighed.

"did you go?"

"what to you think?" she snorted, throwing her cigarette onto the ground.

"you didn't go..." i muttered, "maybe you should consider going to your classes"

"i do, well, i go to a class" she replied.

"which class?" i asked excitedly.

"english, because well... we have it together"

"you always sit in the back, you never sit with me"

"that's because you're always sitting with your smart friends" she complained with an eye roll.

"they aren't my friends," i laughed "i would much rather sit with you"

"you sure the teacher would like that?" she asked, making my eyebrows furrow, "her star student sitting in the back with a delinquent"

"she'll just have to deal with it" i smiled at her.


"really" i breathed.

mac stopped in her tracks and looked at me, "y/n," she started "i really like you"

"i really like you too, mac"

mac stepped forward, placing her hands on my hips and pulling me closer to her. i felt her breath fanning against my face as she nuzzled her head in my neck; wrapping her arms around my waist.

"wanna go to the arcade on saturday?" she asked while stroking my cheek.

"i'd love to, i'd better get home" i smiled.

"got lots of studying to catch up on?" she joked.

"no, i have an essay, it's for english, you should get to work on that too"

"why? when i have a smarty pants like you to do it for me" she laughed.

i rolled my eyes and kissed her cheek, "see you tomorrow, mac"

she didn't say a word, her cheeks were red as she watched me walk away. this time i was the one to make her breathless.


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