mac coyle - strawberry scones and cigarettes

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i walked in haste with a round tin of strawberry scones in my hands. i couldn't help but smile as my fingers dances on the side of the container; i was on my way to mac's house. she didn't exactly know i was coming over, but i wanted to give the scones to her.

i thought she'd like them, if she doesn't she will make a point to tell me so i'm just hoping she'll enjoy them.

i took a deep breath and stopped in my tracks, looking up and smiling as i had arrived at my favorite person's house, i hope that doesn't sound cheesy or anything, she'd probably punch my arm and tell me to shut up if i ever told her that.

i exhaled heavily and walked the path to the door. i knocked two times before her brother, dylan, answered the door. he looked he up and down, i just looked behind him, "h-hi, is mac here?" i asked.

he nodded his head and stepped to the side, letting me come in, "she's in her room" he huffed, slamming the door shut and sitting back down on the couch.

"okay, thank you" i sighed, walking down the narrow hallway and stopping at the last doorway, her door was open a crack, i saw her lying down on her bed, she was wearing her (stolen from her brother) walkman and had a cigarette dangling from between her lips.

i knocked softly on her door, she jumped and took off the walkman earpieces.

"the fuck are you doing here?" she asked "didn't know you were coming by"

"yeah, w-well" i stuttered, opening the door wider and walking into her room. i stayed standing near the door, extending my arms to show her the tin "i made you some, uhm, strawberry scones"

she put out the cigarette and patted the spot next to her on her bed, "come here"

my cheeks reddened as i walked over, slowly sinking down next to her. she took the tin from out of my hands and opened it.

"these look great" she breathed, picking up a scone and stuffing it into her mouth. she chewed for a moment before giving me a thumbs up.

i smiled, "thanks"

"this the only reason why you came?" she asked, placing the tin down on the table beside her bed and turning her body towards mine.

"uhm, we'll initially, yes... i also just, wanted to see you... i guess" i admitted, turning my face away.

i heard her laugh as she grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at her, "i knew it" she smiled, placing her lips onto mine, her hands threaded through my hair.

my face felt fiery when she nuzzled her face into my neck, "i guess you aren't so bad" she muttered "you should come over more often"

i smiled and wrapped my arms around her,
"of course"


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