My Choice

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***Athena's POV***

  We were all given instructions from one of the Rohirrim knights

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We were all given instructions from one of the Rohirrim knights. While we listened, we accompanied Gandalf to the horse stables.

"Why flee to the mountains when they should stand up and fight?" Gimli asked, sounding completely disappointed. I didn't blame him. But I should respect the king's decision. "Who would defend them, if not their king?"

"He's only doing what's best for his people," Aragorn answered. "Helm's Deep has saved them in the past."

"Yes, but will it be strong enough to hold them this time?" I asked.

Everyone stopped and stared at me.

"That is quite an interesting question, Athena," Gandalf finally agreed. "We cannot tell what Helm's Deep can do. It'll take tens of thousands of Orcs to destroy that rock fortress."

"Who knows how many orcs Saruman will have to invade Helm's Deep."

"Probably less than ten of thousands," Gimli grunted.

"Well, you never know with Saruman. His antics are hard to tell," Gandalf agreed. He then turned to face us. "You must help Theoden, Athena and Aragorn. He will need the both of you. The people of Rohan will need the both of you. Expect to see me at Helm's Deep in five days' time, when the sun rises. At dawn, look to the east."

I nodded slowly.

"Go," I finally answered. I opened the gate and Gandalf took off.

Gimli did not look too happy about Gandalf leaving.

"Don't worry, Gimli," I reassured him. "Gandalf knows what he's doing."

We gathered all that we needed and made our trek down to Helm's Deep. I engaged myself in a conversation with Eowyn. She seemed nice enough. She'd asked me plenty of questions about my own past and why I had decided to disown my father. I was happy to answer every single question that she had.

"I wanted to be different," I answered, glancing sideways at her. "Mother gave me to Lord Elrond when I was not even a week old. She knew the dangers of my father. I've been hidden in Rivendell all this time, until now, when Gandalf sent me on a quest to the Shire." Although I wasn't supposed to tell anyone about the One Ring, and whose hands it was in now, and whatnot. But Eowyn seemed safe enough. A hint of innocent curiosity glinted in her eyes.

"Why the Shire? I've never heard of that place before."

I chuckled, smiling slightly.

"Not very many people have. Only Lord Elrond, my father, Saruman, the people of Bree, Gandalf, and Aragorn, of course, know where the Shire is. It's a very pleasant place, but the people there are, well, tiny! I'm not talking like dwarf-tiny like our friend, Gimli, here. They're tinier than dwarves, and twice as thin! One girl, her name is Seraphina Evergreen, she barely comes up to my waist, and she's a young adult, for crying out loud!"

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