Bound As One

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***Athena's dress for Aragorn's coronation*** 

***The neckalce she also wears to Aragorn's coronation*** 

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***The neckalce she also wears to Aragorn's coronation*** 

  ***Athena's POV***

  Once Sera, Sam, and Frodo were safe in Gondor, I immediately went to treat Frodo, who was severely injured. But unfortunately, he was in a coma for several weeks. During that time, Sera began to heal rapidly, thanks to the elves that were pouring in for Aragorn's coronation ceremony that was coming up in a few weeks. And we were sure that Frodo would be healed and awake by then. 

  During that time, Sera did not leave Frodo's side. Not once. I could see her dedication to him, just as Aragorn and I had our dedication towards each other. She continuously held his hand, and bandaged his wounds when they needed to be treated so that they wouldn't get infected. She washed his face gently to get rid of the dirt stains, and she even managed to wash his hair. 

  The two sisters reunited. Daisy was so happy to see that her sister and her friends were alive and alright. They cried over each other when they reunited. They spent countless hours talking about their adventures while Sera took care of Frodo. Daisy nearly screamed when she heard that the Ring Wraiths nearly found them again when they were with Gollum. And then again whenever they were in Osgiliath. 

  "Sera," I said in a firm voice. "It's time for you to get some rest." 

  Sera shook her head, being incredibly stubborn. 

  "No. I want to stay with him." 

  "You literally look like you're about to fall asleep. If Frodo wakes up, I promise that I'd come and let you know." 

  It didn't take much convincing. Sera finally nodded and got up. She took one last long look at Frodo, who was still resting peacefully on the bed, before she came up and followed me. 

  Over the rest of the day, nothing much happened. Aragorn and I did spend a lot of time with each other. It was funny. A week ago, we were all in mortal danger. Now, we were at peace. Aragorn was going to bring peace to Middle-Earth, once he was crowned king of Gondor. Finally, we could hear joyful laughter coming from Frodo's recovery room. 

  "I'm going to find Sera," I declared once I realized who the laughter belonged to. 

  Before anyone could stop me, I went off to find her. I found her in the garth, wading her feet in the water. 

  "Sera! Sera!" I called out to her. She looked up and got her feet out of the water, straightening out her dress. I hurried over towards her, a broad grin on my face. "Frodo's awake!" 

  I led her to Frodo's recovery room and came in. Frodo called out my name joyously and I stood alongside Aragorn. But when Sera entered the room, Frodo fell silent. But he smiled at her, which had to be a good thing, right? Finally, Sera came over once everyone had calmed down. She didn't seem to hesitate before she pressed her lips firmly to his. Frodo wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her down. This caused her to laugh. Everyone else laughed as well before Gimli spoke. 

  "Well, lads. Looks like the love birds are finally together." 

  Frodo and Sera exchanged mischievous looks. 

  "We've been together for quite a while, Gimli," Sera corrected him. 

  "Wait, what?! For how long?!" Gimli spluttered, shocked. 

  The couple glanced at each other, smiling slightly. 

  "Since the day the Fellowship broke." 


  A few weeks following Frodo's recovery, it was finally time for Aragorn's coronation. I stood with the elves, who were now allies with Men once more. The coronation was held by Gandalf, who crowned Aragorn as King. Gimli was the one who handed Gandalf the Gondorian crown so that he could place it on Aragorn's head. Gandalf smiled before speaking. 

  "Now, come! The days of the King! May they be blessed." 

  Aragorn stood up and the entire courtyard cheered and clapped. Aragorn spoke his speech before proceeding to the coronation song as he walked down the aisle, nodding his head to the groups of people that he passed by. Finally, he came to Legolas, Arwen, Elrond, and me. Of course, he couldn't see me. I was partially hidden. Legolas and Aragorn greeted each other before Aragorn turned to face me. I slowly made my way forward, hesitant. I did not want to draw my attention to everyone in the world. But if we were to wed, then I suppose that it would be now, or never. 

  Suddenly, Aragorn wrapped his arms around me, bringing me closer to him, before he pressed his lips fiercely against mine. The entire courtyard of people applauded for our reunion again. Although the kiss was fairly short, it felt like a lifetime. And once we broke apart, I knew, from that day forward, we would be bound as one. 

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