The Most Dangerous Game... Night!

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A few months after the Shadow War, Scrooge and the kids are making their way through a Mayan temple, searching for the treasure. While seemingly everyone was going along fine, Louie was having a hard time.

After Louie walks into a spider web and nearly knocks Scrooge into a pitfall trap. After the others help Scrooge up, Dewey and Webby swing across in their teamwork song, and lift up the floor.

Louie is about to cross when Scrooge stops him, just as arrows start shooting up from the floor.

Rebecca takes a deep breath, walks away, then full sprint jumps onto one of the walls, running a short distance before jumping to the other side, dodging the arrows flawlessly as she alternates walls, before sticking the landing with a smirk. "Nailed it."

"Atta lass! Laddie?" Scrooge turns to Huey.

"Step turn, step turn, step turn dodge and step." Huey says as he resolves the pattern, before he and Scrooge practically dance through the arrows to the other side, unscathed.

"Uh boy. Okay, step-" Louie starts before running and screaming to the other side, getting pelted with arrows as he collapses panting.

Eventually, everyone makes it to the room with the idol, which Scrooge approaches, examines, and prepares to grab it.

"Just grab it, already!" Louie shouts, startling Scrooge.

"The Idol of Sybil is not a trinket to be unceremoniously swindled. Legend has it-" Scrooge says, but is cut off.

"Uh- buh- buh- buh- buh- buh- Can we just wrap up the 'woah', and get to the 'wait, what', already?" Louie asks, annoyed.

Scrooge just blinks, confused.

"Woah, some cool hidden city or treasure or whatever. Wait, what? That cool thing is dangerous, or cursed, or guarded by centaurs? AAHH! Louie almost dies. Can we please move it along? That's how it goes."

"Uncle Scrooge, I kinda have to agree with Louie. This place feels, familiar." Rebecca ponders, having the strangest feeling that this exact setup was in a movie she saw.

Scrooge rolls his eyes, finding Louie's explanation ridiculous. "Adventure is an unpredictable paramour. You've got to judge every angle. No two perilous scenarios are alike." He assures.

"Woah." Dewey says as he looks at the idol.

Louie holds up one finger.

Dewey then picks up the idol, which triggers the traps. "Wait, what?"

Louie holds up two fingers.

"Ah, phooey..." Rebecca sighs, Louie's suspicion correct.

"Well, that doesn't mean..." Scrooge starts.

Soon, everyone is screaming as they run from the boulder chasing them.

"Why didn't we have a bag of sand to swap it with?!" Rebecca screams out, her feeling spot on.

Some time later, everyone has returned the manor, the adventure complete. As all the kids except Louie cheer, and Beakley and Duckworth clean, Duckworth putting up the picture of Scrooge, Della, and Donald fighting Captain Peghook, Scrooge proceeds to track mud in.

"Ae'll be in the study."

"I'll be right here, cleaning up after your last adventure." Beakley says as she vacuums up the mud.

"Cool, I'm just going to lie here forever." Louie says as Beakley vacuums him and makes him look like Gladstone, to which Rebecca snickers.

"Kids! Kids, ae found a hidden compartment in the idol. There's only a treasure map inside. Let's go!" Scrooge says.

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