Day of Mother-Daughter Bonding!

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It has been a couple of days since Della got to see how things have changed in the world, talked with Ian, got a new phone, met Dickie, and more. She'd spent an adventure with Dewey, Huey and Webby were out meeting a friend, and Louie was doing Louie things, so she chose to check on her only daughter, arguably a mini-her.

Della knocks on the door to Rebecca's room, a sign reading 'Knock First, or Else' mounted on it.

"Who is it?" Rebecca calls from inside.

"It's me sweetie." Della calls back, to which the door is soon opened.

"Hey mom! What's up? Need help with something?"

"Nope! Just wanted to check on and spend time with my little girl." Della assures with a smile, rubbing Rebecca's head.

"Okay, c'mon in! I was just having some tea."

"Oh, I get it, a tea party. Guess you got it from Uncle Scrooge huh?" Della grins as she enters... and pauses when she sees the oriental setup of the tea table. "What the-"

"The proper term is tea ceremony, though this is not an exact take on it and is for a more casual, daily routine." Rebecca responds as she kneels on the 'seat' at the low table, upon which was a vased orchid and a small bonsai tree on opposite sides, alongside a more modern kettle, cups, and tea jar, as well as some odd-looking snacks. "Come, there's plenty for two."

Della blinks and obliges, sitting opposite her daughter, kneeling on a 'seat'.

Rebecca then proceeds to prepare the tea, taking a measured scoop of green powder from the jar, adding the portion to a cup, pouring in hot water, then mixing it with a bamboo whisk.

"So uh, you like Japanese tea?"

"And Japanese culture to an extent. It is relaxing." Rebecca responds as she hands the prepared cup of the vibrant green tea to her mother, who looks at it confused. "It's matcha, traditional Japanese green tea. Really good." She says as she prepares her own.

Della tries some, and slightly recoils. "It's... a tad bitter."

"That's what the wagashi are for."


"Wagashi, traditional confections often served with green tea. They help ease the bitterness as you don't add milk nor sugar to this type of tea. It is to be served as-is." Rebecca explains, sliding forward what looks like some sort of nuts after finishing making her cup. "I prefer amanattō: syrup-simmered azuki beans coated in sugar. Quite nice." She says as she takes one from a small bowl and eats it before sipping some tea.

"You sure know a lot about this stuff, don't you?"

"When you are the adoptive daughter of the richest duck in the world who is super protective of you, you need hobbies... especially when you have anxiety and require a lot of alone time." She explains as she takes a small white ball from the plate of snacks and bites it in half, the inside being a dark red.

"Huh..." Della says as she looks around, seeing all the decor in Rebecca's room. It was neatly organized and full of all sorts of nicknacks, posters, and so on that Della had no idea what they were. There was a shelf of DVDs with Japanese writing on the spines, a shelf of video games, a medium flatscreen tv with some sort of game console, and a couple pf bookshelves with all sorts of books and magazines. It did not look very feminine at all. "This is way more stuff than I got from Scrooge, and that was for well over a decade."

"He raised me like a daughter, loved me like one. He ensured I was comfortable. Most expensive and luxurious gift was a golden locket I got for my eighth birthday." Rebecca shows it off, Ian having recovered it from the harbor since the Shadow War on Scrooge's orders.

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