Moonvasion! Part 2

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Della and Donald approach each other, in what seems like a touching moment... only for them to start yelling at each other, as somewhat expected.

"Where have you been?!" They each say.

"If you were home when I got back, you'd know I was stuck on the moon, which by the way, is invading us!" Della shouts.

"I know! I warned you!" Donald snaps back.

"We didn't get a warning!" Della snaps back as Dewey starts to break them up.

"Stop yelling at each other." Dewey says, before turning to Donald and attacking him. "I could've been named Turbo! You owe me 11 years of Turbo!"

Della picks up Dewey off of Donald. "Don't change the subject! Just because I missed you doesn't mean I'm not mad at you!"

"I missed you too, ya big dummy!" Donald says, after which they hug tearfully.

"Oh boy, I love a reunion!" The Melon 'says'.

"Whoa!" Della backs up. "Has the melon been a thing the whole time I've been gone or...?"

"No, that's new." Huey says, everyone concerned.


Huey, Dewey, and Rebecca look at Donald in bewilderment, as Della simply stares while the Melon 'explains'.

"What is going on..." Rebecca whispers, a tad scared.

"Thank goodness you found us! After Penumbra helped Donald escape those evil Moonlanders, why, he crash landed on this island." Melon 'says'.

"Where I met my best friend." Donald says in his normal voice, having the melon kiss the side of his head.

"You met Penny on the Moon? Is she okay? I miss her constantly trying to impale me." Della says.

"Uh, we've been having a real good time. Sharing sandwiches, drinking sea water smoothies to drown our sorrows..." Melon 'says'.

"You've been surviving on sea water and sand this whole time?" Webby asks.

"But now I'm saved!" Donald cheers.

The kids and Della gather and hug Donald.

"You must have been searching for him for months!" Melon 'says'.

"Yes! We totally knew you were missing and not on a cruise." Huey lies, nervously.

"Did we?" Dewey asks.

"Yes. That's why we're here." Webby also lies.

"That's what the Melon said." Della says over Webby, the two also nervous.

"I told you your family would never forget about you! Which is why you have to go back, my friend." Melon 'says'.

"Lunaris is a monster! We gotta go help Uncle Scrooge!" Donald says.

"Yeah!" Rebecca cheers.

"Now that we found you, we can all fight Lunaris together!" Louie says as all they head for the Sunchaser/Cloudslayer, but are stopped by Della.

"No way. The plan is to keep you as far away from danger as possible. Besides, Scrooge knows exactly what he's doing." Della says, waving off their concerns.

"Ugh!" Rebecca groans, and tries not to curse.

Later on, Della has fixed up the wreckage to be their new home.

"Ta-da! Welcome home!" She shows the pitched tent and lockers with the kids' names on them, Huey and Webby sharing one locker, Dewey and Rebecca another, as Louie has his own. "We can live here as long as we need. Look, kids. You have your own rooms." To which Louie's falls over, a crab crawling out,

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