The Richest Duck in the World!

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Scrooge walks into the dining room, where he sees Louie sitting at the far end of the dining table, Zan to his right, Ian and Manny to his left.

"Uncle Scrooge? Hi. Thanks for coming." Louie greets.

"Ah, to breakfast?" Scrooge asks.

"So, do you remember that bet that you made with Glomgold where the winner won the loser's fortune, and technically I won both your fortunes so that I could give it back to you?"

"It was yesterday."

"You said I'd be a bigger billionaire than you are one day, and well, today is a day, and-"

"What are yew trying to say, lad?" Scrooge inquires.

"Yeah, what are you getting at?" Ian asks with concern.

"Well, I'm keeping it all, so I can be the richest duck in the world!" Louie declares as Zan and Manny duck behind the table, awaiting Scrooge to flip out, while Ian stares at Louie wide-eyed and jaw agape.

Scrooge then... starts to laugh. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Yew, ha ha, are going to be the richest duck in the world? Ha ha ha ha!"

"Yes, um-"

"Oh sure, it's just a complex international conglomeration. Yew 'love' hard work. Heh. Have fun! Ae'll be here when you're ready to give my fortune back." Scrooge says as he leaves, laughing on the way out.

"That went far better than expected." Zan says, surprised.

Ian then pushes his jaw shut and hard slaps himself, as he snaps out of it. "What?! I'm under the employ of a ten year old?!"

"Eleven, actually, almost twelve."

"I don't care!" Ian says, shaking his head.


Meanwhile, Scrooge passes Rebecca as he keeps laughing.

"You aren't really going to let him be in charge of the company, are you?" She asks, concerned as she follows her uncle.

"What's the harm in it?" Scrooge asks.

"Him wasting money? Defunding necessities because he isn't aware those Buzzards are trying to ruin you? Etcetera?" She asks.

"Bah, let him learn. The worst thing is out of the way. Ae made sure of it decades ago."

"Hmm..." Rebecca says, unsure as she goes to check on her siblings and mother, the former of whom were also looking for Della.

They find her in the houseboat, talking on a semi-jury-rigged camera system that seems capable of beaming a signal out to space.

"Oh, hey. These are the kids!" Dells pulls the four in front of the camera. "Rebecca, Huey, Dewey, and I tried to get Louie, but his assistant said he was in the middle of a 'complex business deal'. So this is Webby, the kids' charmingly violent best friend and honorary sister. She's like their you." Della says.

"Hyah!" Webby says as she flips Dewey onto the floor.

"What is this?" Huey asks.

"Sending a message to my friends back on the moon." Della explains.

"This is beaming out to the galaxy?" Dewey asks as he gets back up.

"Yep, they were supposed to follow right after me, but I haven't heard from them. So I've been sending them transmissions like I sent you." Della says, to the confusion of the kids. "The ones I sent you from the moon? Hundreds of hours of heartfelt lessons that gave me hope and purpose?"

"We did not get those." Huey says.

"Ugh, meh, eh, it's fine. Everything's fine." Della is about to have a panic attack.

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