Della Duck vs Technology!

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It has been about a week since Della had returned, and Scrooge, Dewey, and Della had just returned from their business trip to Boarway. Surprisingly, no one else was really informed of her return in general, and Ian didn't see it as his business to inform his co-workers, as her return won't really effect them. After all, she wouldn't actually hold a grudge, would she?

"Gearloose!" Della yells as she enters the lab.

"Huh? Who's- oh no." Ian realizes.

"What is it, assistant Boone?" Gyro asks.

"Gyro, run."

"What? Why?"

"Just go, now! Before it's too-"

Gyro lets out a high-pitched yelp as Della grabs the scientist by his vest, turning him about and bringing them face-to-face.

"Late." Ian sighs as he realizes he is about to witness a murder.

"Eleven years! Eleven years of black, friggin', licorice as my only means of survival!" Della snaps irately as she shakes Gyro, close to wringing his neck.

"Della? How are you alive?!" Gyro asks in shock, beak agape.

"Shut it Gearloose! 'So easy that Della can do it'?!" Della snaps, as Ian pulls her off of Gyro.

"Terribly sorry about this doctor Gearloose, I'll handle it." Ian says as he pulls Della away and towards the elevator, struggling to hold onto her.

Gyro sighs in relief, and starts to get back to work, when a loud crash is heard, followed by a rapid clanging.

"Fenton! Manny! Assistance!" Ian calls out as he runs after Della, who tackles Gyro, who lets out another effeminate yelp.

Della holds Gyro by the collar and prepares to punch him, hard, when she is suddenly lifted up and off of him, missing her swing. "Wha- hey! Let go of me!" Della struggles as the two men and the man-horse pull her off of, and drag her away from Gyro.

"Della get ahold of yourself! Scrooge may be rich be he cannot bail you out FOR MURDER!" Ian states as the three actually still struggle to hold her, soon a distance away from Gyro.

Della promptly removes her metal leg and flings it at Gyro, just missing him as he ducks, but breaking the window behind him, water flooding in.

"Della! I just fixed that!" Ian protests as the back up metal shutters close, stopping the water.

"This isn't over Gyro! I will get my revenge! Nothing can stop Della Duck~!" Della declares as she is dragged to the elevator.

"Fenton! Manny! Get her to Scrooge's office now! And keep her restrained if you know what's good for us all!" Ian orders as the two hold onto her, getting her into the elevator as Ian returns to help Gyro up. "You alright?"

"Yes, fine, just a little winded. What is SHE doing here? I thought she died eleven years ago!"

"Long story. Point is, she is back and is not happy you chose black licorice as the only flavor for oxy-chew, and made deriding remarks on her intelligence IN the rocket manual." Ian states.

"Hearing that, I have time to listen, if you know the story."

"Well, in short..." Ian takes a deep breathe. "Della took the Spear which got hit in a cosmic storm, she crashed on the Moon and had to amputate her leg, then for the next eleven years she had to try to rebuild the rocket and get off-" Ian continues to explain every major detail he was told.

Gyro blinks, having understood everything. "Ohh, I see..."


Meanwhile, in Scrooge's office...

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