Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!

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Scrooge and the kids were walking through the foyer, towards the front door, ready for their latest adventure. They were packed and ready, set to use a rather amazing and useful artifact they found earlier. Just yesterday the family had put Donald through undeserved stress, the duck dealing with raised dead, a rivalry between Dewey and Zeus, and an adventure to Goathool. So, as an apology, they had signed him on for a month-long vacation to help him relax. Now, the others were preparing to use the Cartographer's Quill to find new treasures, Scrooge having hyped everyone up.

"This could be the most important moment of our adventuring lives!" Scrooge declares as he opens the door, only for all of them to find Della standing there, practicing her greetings.

"Sup, party people! I'm back in the hizou- Oh, no." Della says as she realizes and is embarrassed beyond anything else. "Knew it was wrong as soon as I said it. Sorry, that was terrible. Can I get a do-over?"

Scrooge is frozen and silent, eyes wide, on the verge of tears.

Della lightly smiles and waves to Scrooge. "Hi, Uncle Scrooge." At this, Scrooge drops the quill, Rebecca just barely catching and saving it as she then backs up, confused. "Uh..." Before della can say anything else, Scrooge happily embraces her, twirling her and laugh-sobbing overjoyed before setting her down, looking her over.

Inside, the kids are just confused as the two adults talk, ramble, and so-on. Then...

"Out of my way, old man." Della pushes past and looks inside. "Where are my-" She gasps as the four kids hide behind Webby, them looking at Della.

"Who's the cyborg?" Dewey asks.

"Is that?" Huey asks.

"It can't be." Louie says.

"But who else could it be?" Rebecca asks.

"Guys, I think that's your mom." Webby says.

Eyes wide and filled with tears of joy starting, Della falls to her knees. After more than a decade, she once and for all, FINALLY, was reunited with her family. Her babies.

"Rebecca, Huey, Dewey, Louie... meet Della Duck." Scrooge says.

"Oh! I'm part robot. I knew it!" Dewey cheers and runs right to Della and hugs her tight, the woman hugging back, the two sharing sad-happy looks, until...

"Wait, Rebecca, Huey, Dewey, and Louie? No no no no their names were supposed to be Trinity, Jet, Turbo, and Rebel." Della gestures to her kids in order, from oldest to youngest, as she says that.

Dewey is just flabbergasted. "...I could have been Turbo?"

"I told Donald. I wrote it down in case no one could understand him!"

"I could have been Turbo?!" Dewey says, triggered by not being named his dream name.

"Hi, Huey slash Jet here. How did you survive in a barren wasteland? Have you adjusted to our gravity? Did you make any customized modifications to your leg?" Huey asks after stepping up.

"Sheer determination to get back to you, kinda, and no because as Junior Woodchuck Rule 42 states..." Della says.

"Build things right the first time and they won't need modification." The two say in unison, at which Huey is elated. "You really are our mom!" He cheers and hugs her before she looks to Webby and Rebecca.

"So, which of these two young ladies is my daughter?"

"Um, that'd be me, mom." Rebecca steps forward, looking Della over. "I really do look like you..." She says, stunned.

"Like mother like daughter."

Rebecca then gives Della the biggest hug she can as she joins in on the hug, shaking slightly, slightly teary-eyed.

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