A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!

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After an eventful past few weeks, with Webby and Dewey investigating Donald, Huey and Della have bonded over a video game, Louie attempted a scheme with Goldie by trying to scam Doofus Drake only to have Goldie take everything, the kids were all grouped in Webby's room, having a sleepover and doing the activities associated with one, including playing games.

The boys were throwing foam darts at a picture of Magica, for obvious reasons.

Huey throws one and hits Magica square-on. "Twenty points"

Dewey throws, but misses completely and instead hits Lena's picture. "Yeah, I mean whoops. I'm sorry Lena."

"Oh, it's fine." Lena assures.

"Minus five points, because Lena's a good guy now." Louie says as Huey throws another dart, again hitting Magica.

"Yeah! Woo hoo!" The boys cheer.

"Minus a million because she's the best guy now." Webby argues.

Three darts from across the room then hit dead-center of Magica's face at high speed, all grouped tightly, Rebecca grinning at her pinpoint accuracy at throwing things.

"Thanks for helping me set this up." Lena says to Webby.

"Of course. We got everything needed for a sleepover. Sleeping bags, board games, snacks." Webby says.

"Self defense weapons, all manner of booby trap." Violet adds.

"And bodyguards at the door." Webby says, Beakley and Ian leaning in, Beakley giving a thumbs up and Ian a short salute, the latter armed with a version of his energy rifle. "Nothing weird is going to happen at this slumber party."

"Yep, just a totally normal friend-aversery celebration." Lena says as she presents a cake with all 7 of them on it, Lena's arms made to hug everyone in something that looks like a meme. "Webby, we met one year ago today, I think. Time loses all meaning in the infinite night of the shadow realm." She says, before she sings.

"Oh, happy freind-aversery,

If I didn't have you, it'd be worse for me.

I'm made of shadow, you're made of flesh,

Whoever thought that we would mesh."

"You are a wordsmith." Webby says, in tears as everyone applauses, just as Lena then yawns. "Aw, you can't be tired yet." She blows out the candle.

"Sorry, I just stayed up all night making friendship bracelets. Heh heh." Lena says, presenting 5 new bracelets for the quadruplets and Violet, in matching colors.

"Is this a prank or something? Why are you being so nice?" Louie asks as they each take theirs, suspicious, to which Rebecca smacks the back of his head.

"Pfft, can't I do something nice for my friends? Not everything I say is sarcastic and mean." Lena assures.

"You literally sound like that now." Huey says, also getting smacked by Rebecca.

"That's just my voice, I can't help it!" Lena snaps, which causes the extinguished candle to flare up again massively, startling Webby.

"I found it's clearer to convey no emotion whatsoever." Violet comments.

"Listen, I'm new to this whole good guy thing, and I just want to get it right."

Webby blows out the candle again. "Lena, you're the living shadow of Magica De Spell, Scrooge's greatest enemy, and you still turned out good. That makes you extra super good, right?"

"Math checks out." Dewey says, to which he earns a gentle and approving pat on the head by Rebecca.

"You don't have to prove anything to us." Webby takes a slice from the cake and eats it. "Om nom, this is gonna be the best party ever!"

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