Treasure of the Found Lamp (And Love)!

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In the time since the harpy incident and the family reconnecting with Dickie, much has happened. Dickie has moved to an apartment in Duckburg as she said she would, and her and Ian have been meeting regularly, Christmas has passed, where it turns out Scrooge actually likes Christmas, he just hates Santa, and Lena has returned, brought back from the Shadow Realm by Webby and a new friend, Violet Sabrewing. This night, everyone is preparing for bed as a mysterious figure sneaks into the manor, unknown to everyone.

As Huey brushes his teeth, the figure barges in through a window. "Uh, Uncle Scrooge, someone is here to see you." He says nervously.


It would turn out the figure, Faris Djinn, was searching for the lamp of the first genie, which he family has sworn to protect. As such, he has resolved to find it on the eve of 'Efreet's Dawn', lest there be dire consequences.

However, it would turn out Louie had sold it during a yard sale, and thus, too nervous to tell Djinn, they lie and say it was stolen by a 'powerful figure'.

And so, the next day, they are preparing to head out to 'find' it, mainly to keep Djinn distracted while the others actually look for it.

"I'll go with Louie and them. Actually try to resolve his mistake." Rebecca says.

"Hey!" Louie protests, indignant.

Scrooge looks at Louie. "Find! That! Lamp!"

"And so the Duck four were left to their own devices on an impossible quest to right the careless wrong. Would it bring them closer, or tear them apart?" Dewey says as the others give him unimpressed looks. "What? I like Djinn's dramatic flair."

Huey looks at Louie. "So you sold off a priceless artifact."

As the Duck siblings try to find the lamp, and Scrooge and Webby distract Djinn, Ian is on another 'date' with Dickie, having lunch with her.

"Thanks for taking me out to lunch again Ian. I've been kinda short on cash and such, so this actually helps some." Dickie says as she enjoys her food.

"Think nothing of it, Dickie. Anything for a, uh, friend." Ian says, nervously.

Dickie smiles. "It's good to spend time with you. You're just so nice."

Ian blushes at that, and after a moment of thinking, speaks up. "Look, Dickie, I... I think I should tell you how I feel."

"Hmm? What do you mean?" She says as she takes a sip of her drink.

Ian sighs. "When I first saw you, I felt things that I had never felt before. Things that are, hard to explain."


"Well..." Ian groans. "Ah screw it I'll rip the bandaid off. When we first met it was love at first sight for me. You are the most beautiful person I've ever met, and since then I've been in love with you. The kids got me to help you so we could talk as I'd rather take things slow, and I helped you to try and spend time with you. Technically me inviting you out have been 'dates', so we could get to know each other better, but I am just way too awkward to express things any other way. "There, I said it."

Dickie blushes, looking at Ian. She then... smiles and giggles. "Aw, you're so sweet!"

"Huh?" Ian is caught off guard. "You're not, freaked out?"

"Of course not! You're just being honest with me and have been nothing but nice. And, I will admit, you are rather cute. It is all a surprise, but a nice one."

"Th-thank you." Ian blushes. "And, you feel the same way about me?"

"Kinda? I mean, you've been everything I've wanted a boyfriend to be." She shrugs. "So, I guess we can officially say we are dating now?"

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