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The day after the timephoon incident, Rebecca watches as the family pack up for their latest adventure. She wasn't packing because she decided not to go. Someone who was human, or at least living, had to stay and watch Louie, someone who could put him in a chokehold until he gives up trying to run off as she knew he'd try. Though, she did feel guilty. This was the one, ONE adventure he'd want to go on, his dream adventure, and they decided to go on it while he was grounded. But, what could she do? Della was their mom, so there was no arguing. Besides, what is the worst that can happen?

"You're heading to Big Rock Candy Mountain!? Oh I am going." Louie says as he comes down the front stairs.

"No, you are still grounded." Della declares.

"What?! No, WHAT?!" Louie argues.

"Err, come on kids, let's finish packing." Scrooge says to Huey, Dewey, and Webby, ushering them away.

"Big Rock Candy Mountain is the laziest quest of all time! It's my dream." Louie protests the excessively harsh punishment.

"Your last 'dream' made you take treasure from the past, which almost destroyed time, space, and your family! Now, to your room! You can come out when you learn that no good ever came from cockamamie schemes." Della orders as Rebecca grabs Louie by his hoodie hood and drags him back inside.

"C'mon Lou, back to your bunk." She starts to close the door. "Oh and bring us some souvenirs!"

"Will do honey! Sorry you're stuck watching your brother!" Della says as they finish packing and head off the take the Sunchaser.

Rebecca soon plops Louie on his bunk in their room, the youngest sibling upset.

"Really sis? You are taking their side!" Louie protests.

"Not really. Someone has to keep you here... and you company... and safe. I have a weird feeling as Glomgold's not done anything the past week." She admits.

"Gee, thanks, that's really touching." Louie pouts sarcastically.

"Bro, I don't agree with them leaving you here while they go on your dream adventure, one you actually wanna go on. Be lucky I stayed behind because, initially, they were gonna leave you alone which is just messed up. Honestly, I just didn't wanna argue with mom." She pats his shoulder. "It is only a couple of days."

Louie grumbles, to which she sighs.

Rebecca sighs. "Look, after they get back, I'll try and convince everyone to sit down and talk, okay? I have a feeling this treatment is a bit of a bad indicator for the family." She admits.

"And why do you care about- that?" He asks as he is picked up by the hoodie by Rebecca.

"Because Ian has made his views very clear, and I will not let this family drive him away. Do you hear me?! I won't lose my best friend!" She shakes Louie frantically.


After the Sunchaser has left, and Louie has already tried one attempt to leave, and discovered the DT-87 has been upgraded and made to keep him from leaving, he is on his second attempt, but is caught at the window.

"Um, I am also a fake-" Louie tries to lie.

Then, he has a lasso land around him, his eyes widening. "Get over here!" Rebecca says as she yanks Louie back in, to his terror.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Louie cries out as, next thing he knows, his older sister has hogtied him. "Rebecca is this necessary?!"

"Shut it!" She orders, foot on his back, as she stops a timer. "Darn, fraction of a second too short."

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