The 87 Cent Solution!

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At the Money Bin, it has been around 3 months since Scrooge and Glomgold started their richest duck competition, and Scrooge was insistent on working... even when he is sick.

"Uncle Scrooge, you're sick. You shouldn't be on your feet." Huey protests as he, Webby, and Rebecca follow Scrooge into the Bin.

"Ae have ta make my morning meeting. A stuffy nose and clogged ears won't kill me." Scrooge argues.

"Yeah! He's vanquished mythical beasts, demonic armies, robot uprisings!" Webby adds as Scrooge presses the elevator up button with his cane.

"Which would probably wear out someone half his," Huey then whispers to the girls, "advanced age."

"Advanced age!?" Scrooge protests.

"He's not wrong about that. You aren't exactly in your prime anymore, Uncle Scrooge." Rebecca says, worried about her uncle.

"Hogwash! Ae'm fine!" Scrooge sniffs as the elevator door opens, Manny coming out with a cart of old inventions.

"[Where should I put this science waste from the lab?]" Manny clops out.

"Fer the last time, ae'm not sick!" Scrooge says, not understanding as he hits the cart with his cane and walks into the elevator with Webby.

"[That's not what I...]" Manny clops before shrugging to Huey and Rebecca, who enter the elevator as well.

Eventually, they reach the top floor and Scrooge's office, where Huey is still talking to Scrooge, who looks annoyed.

"According to the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook, your sickness could be-" Huey is cut off by Scrooge closing the vault door.

"Huey, sometimes you need to shut off that big brain of yours." Rebecca remarks.

"But Uncle Scrooge-" Huey is then cut off.

"Doesn't want to have someone constantly pestering him when he is sick. He clearly wants things quiet and some alone time. I know I do."

"Yeah. Besides, this is Scrooge McDuck we are talking about! Things will be fine in no time." Webby assures.

Then, Rebecca gives an off look. "Wait, something feels off." She comments, as all of the sudden Scrooge exits the vault, throwing open the door.

"Glomgold!" Scrooge yells.

"Knew it." She remarks as Scrooge storms to the meeting room to confront Glomgold, following him with the other 2.

As it would turn out, Scrooge had discovered some money had been stolen from his bin, and thus has Gyro and Ian increase the security measures, using Donald to test them. All the while, Huey is still fretting over Scrooge's health.

"Chicken soup? Restorative nutrients." Huey offers a spoonful to Scrooge, who pushes it away.

"Again, Huey, stop pushing it. I know Scrooge. The more you push, the harder he'll push back." Rebecca says.

"Get me Gizmoduck." Scrooge orders.

A bit later outside, Scrooge is discussing potential culprits with Gizmoduck.

"Glomgold was with Zan Owlson, Mark Beaks was live posting at Coachella, and the Beagles were at the Con-con convicts convention." Gizmoduck explains, showing the holographic map.

"What about Magica?" Scrooge asks.

"Still no sign of her."


Back in Scrooge's office, Scrooge is pacing, as Huey talks to Webby, Rebecca, and Dewey.

"I get that this is a big deal, but Scrooge is in no condition to take on the stress, right now. His nasal passages are dangerously clogged." Huey says.

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