The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot!

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At the Fort Duckburg historical site, the quadruplets and Webby were listening to Mrs. Quackfaster, who was dressed in period clothing, tell the story of how Cornelius Coot, descendant of the Duck family, fended off the Beagle militia single-handedly and established Duckburg in its modern form, all in front of a statue of Cornelius, armed with a saber and flintlock pistol, standing atop several defeated Beagles.

"Coot stamped himself upon out history in a way few ever will." Quackfaster says.

"We'll see about that." Webby says to herself, Rebecca giving a 'what do you mean' look, overhearing it.

"As a special treat today, Coot's descendant, Della Duck, will sky write the letter 'C' to commemorate him."

"Just a 'C'?" Dewey asks.

"Uncle Scrooge charges by the letter." Louie explains. "I'm parched. You got any refreshments? Maybe some Pep?"

"In this village, we only have traditional victuals, saltwater jerky, and raw buttermilk." Quackfaster says as she somehow quickly changes costume and pours some for Louie, as Dewey goes to churn butter.

"Wow, I can't believe we're related to THE Cornelius Coot, founding father of modern Duckburg." Rebecca says as she looks up at the statue of her great, great, great grandfather.

"You didn't know?" Huey asks.

"No, Uncle Scrooge never mentioned it..." She admits.

"That's... troubling."

"But hey, at least I now know kicking Beagle Boy butt is part of Duck family tradition." She shrugs.

Huey then tries on a capotain as Dewey and Louie come over, bored. "This capotain isn't even itchy enough to be authentic. Let's see if we can fly with Mom."

"Sure we could go, unless we want to uncover the greatest mystery your mom never solved." Webby says as she stands atop the statue and pulls out a journal.

"Woah, is that?" Dewey asks.

"Della's old journal. She was searching for a top-secret family treasure from the non-McDuck side of your family. the Beagles weren't just after the fort, they were after the Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot." She hops down and goes to each of the bored boys. "Untold treasure." She says to Louie. "Undiscovered history." She says to Huey as she puts the Capotain back on his head. "Unparalleled adventure." She says to Dewey, who she gives the journal to, before taking the mug of buttermilk from Louie. "Della couldn't crack it, but we can." She takes a sip, only to spit it out disgusted.

"You, probably shouldn't drink that." Rebecca comments.

Meanwhile, Della is walking to the hangar to retrieve the plane as she adjusts her flight goggles.. "Ah, the perfect day. Just me, the open sky, the Cloud Slayer, and where's my plane?!" She panics, finding it gone.

"Right here, Ms. D." Launchpad says as he opens the hangar door, revealing the Cloud Slayer/Sun Chaser a complete wreck, Della gasping at the state it is in.

"And there, and a bit over there. Don't worry, the Sun Chaser has been through way worse than this."

"It has?" Della asks concerned, voice strained as she picks up the flight yolk.

"Yeah, we've been through hundreds, maybe thousands of crashes together. If this old girl could talk."

"Grrr..." Della starts to get upset, prepared to beat the moronic Launchpad with theyolk, but inhales to calm down. "Listen, L.P., I need to fly over Fort Duckberg in t-minus three hours."

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