Moonvasion! Part 1

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After being warned by her friend Penumbra, and Della alerting Scrooge the rest of the family of the Moonlanders coming to attack, they watch the news in the living room. Meanwhile, Rebecca was on the phone with Ian.

"Mr. Boone! You need to-" She starts to instruct, but is cut off.

"Can't talk right now Rebecca, I'm getting into resistance mode to help counter the inevitable alien invasion." Ian says, can be heard gearing up.

"Oh. Well, be sa-" As Ian hangs up. "-fe. Oh I hope he'll be fine." She worries.

"Bah, the lad is tough enough. He'll be fine. Besides, ae doubt he'll need ta fight." Scrooge assures as things seem to be going fine.

"Yeah! Maybe I misheard Penny's invasion warning." Della chuckles while elbowing Dewey with her left arm. "Lot of static in space."

Then, the Moonlander draws a laser gun and fires at Gizmoduck, who is saved by Officer Cabrera, as the Moonlanders attack, the family gasping.

"Aw, phooey." Della says, guiltily.


As the Moonlanders attack, Ian was out in the streets, helping people get to cover as he fires on the invaders with his energy rifle, the power knocking them down while his armor keeps him safe.

"Take that ya scum!" He shouts as he fires, and even manages to shoot down a strafing Moonlander rocket. Then, he remembers something and takes cover, and calls a number. "Dickie? You alright?"

"F-fine, I think? Ian why is this happening?" Dickie asks, in her apartment.

"No idea, but I need you safe. Where are you?"

"My apartment."

"Good. Lock all windows and doors, and barricade them, and stay hidden. Open the door for no one." He instructs.

"O-okay. But, what about you?"

"Me? I'll be-"


A laser shot hits the wall near him, and he returns fire. "I'll be fine. Trust me."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too." He ends the call and starts fighting, moving through the streets.

All the while, the McDucks are in their station wagon, racing across the bridge toward the Bin while being pursued, Della and the kids screaming.

"Faster, Beakley!" Scrooge orders. "The Bin is the most secure place in town!"

"This is it!" Dewey says as he opens the back window. "Saving the Earth is my dew-stiny! Come face the chosen one!" He says as lasers scratch the car.

Rebecca pulls him in and sits him down as Webby shuts the back window. "Nerp!"

"Why are they doing this?! They liked me so much!" Della asks, guilty.

"Enough!" Scrooge says to Della. "Ae have a plan...!" He says as they arrive at the bin and head to Gyro's office, Scrooge ordering the contingencies...

Until he is told the Moonlanders destroyed all of them ad the attack was excessively well-planned. After Lunaris declares his intentions, Scrooge looks to Della.

"We need ta call for help. Unless Lunaris took down our communication satellites too." Scrooge says.

"Uh, no. Louie did." Huey says.

"That was last week! I didn't know there'd be an alien invasion this week!" Louie defends.

"I may have a solution." Gyro hold up a finger.

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