The Return of the Babysitter!

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Since the dreaded game night-gone-wrong, Louie has started his own company, Glomgold has challenged Scrooge to a 'richest duck' competition because Louie helped Glomgold regain his memory, Dewey and Huey met an estranged cousin/uncle, and they all nearly got eaten by an evil plant at a literal tourist trap. So by comparison, it was a slow day at McDuck Manor, especially after the whole 'Harp-be-gone' situation of the past couple of days.

Donald on the other hand, was taking a trip out of town to try and get parts for the boat. "Unca Scrooge, I'm heading out for a a couple of days, so you need to take the kids with you." He calls out.

"Sorry lad, can't. Follow-up business trip in Cape Suzette that requires absolute focus. Ae need ta go alone." Scrooge says as he prepares for his trip.

"Ah well. Mrs B! I need you to look after the kids in that case!"

"Sorry, but I myself have to go with Mr. McDuck because he keeps forgetting to hire a secretary as I am not his secretary!" Beakley states, quite upset with her boss, who is frightened by her still.

Donald blinks and turns to Ian. "Mr Boone? Can you-"

"My agreement with Scrooge doesn't cover babysitting more than two kids at a time, and even them it is for only a few hours. Plus, I have work around the house to do, including your boat given the, 'harpy incident'. Sorry." Ian says as he picks up his tool bag and goes out back to the pool.

"Ah phooey..." Donald then remembers something and smiles. "Kids, given we can't leave you here alone for the few days, I think it is time we call on an old friend." He says as he dials a number he hasn't had to call in a while as the boys realize what he is implying with a gasp.

"Wait, really? You're calling her?!" Dewey asks, seemingly excited.

"Yep, hopefully she can do it." Donald says with a grin.

"Woo-hoo!" The boys cheer.

"Uh, calling who? And why are you guys excited for a babysitter?" Webby asks, confused given they ended up here trying to stay away from babysitters.

"Not just any babysitter, our favorite babysitter, Dickie! She was the best!" Dewey says.

"We would always play games, watch movies, make snacks, and more. She even helped with my Woodchuck projects and Dewey get his grades up! She was nice, helpful, fun..." Huey explains.

"And whenever we broke something or whatever, she would always lie to Uncle Donald and say it was her fault, just so we wouldn't get in trouble. It worked every time! I just feel bad he scolded and yelled at her so much." Louie says, the trio genuinely feeling bad about that part.

"No I always knew you three were the ones responsible. I just wanted you boys to feel guilty for not taking responsibility and letting another take the blame." Donald says as he looks through his contacts. "In fact, Dickie was in on it." He smirks.

"Huh, clever way to teach us a lesson. But man, she was awesome!" Louie admits.

"Then, she got too busy with work and school when she moved out of town a couple of years ago when we were, like, eight or nine, and we haven't seen her since. But now we get to have an incredible reunion!" Huey states.

"Imagine when she finds out we live at McDuck Manor now AND that Scrooge McDuck is our uncle AND that we have an awesome long-lost sister!" Dewey says.

"She, actually sounds pretty cool." Rebecca admits.

"Yeah! Hopefully she hasn't changed much." Louie says.

"Hello, Dickie? It's Donald Duck. How are you? ... Great, doing well ourselves. And it has been too long. Listen, I need to go out for the rest of today, tomorrow, and most of the day after, and I can't trust the kids to be alone. Think you can babysit for a bit? ... If you need us to pick you up we'd be glad to, if you do it. ... Great! We'll come pick you up in a bit. See you then." Donald says as he ends the call, the boys already stoked and cheering as Webby and Rebecca chuckle.

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