1. It has been 8 years...

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With my head covered in a dark cloak, I stepped over the rubble and approached the fallen heavenly demon. Doflamingo.

He lay sprawled out his glasses next to him. Flicking my finger over my ring on my right hand, a small compact blade sprung out from the ring.

Slicing my arm quickly, I allowed my blood to pour and I quickly manipulated the shape into tendrils to carry the large man. Bracing myself on the man next to me, I looked over at him.

"Quickly Vik," He was built like Doflamingo, he was just under ten feet tall, blond hair and with the clothes to match...it was as close as I could get on short notice. Swapping places with Doflamingo I ushered my blood to carry away Doflamingo.

"Don't forget the plan Vik, so help me, I will come for you and kill you should you fail." I said, narrowing my eyes at the man laying in Doffy's place.

"I won't." taking off the new glasses I had provided. I switched them with him and looked at Vik's unharmed chest. Smiling as he lay on the ground pretending to be knocked out I braced myself above him with my arm cocked back.

"Lady Y/n, what are you–" Imbuing haki on to my fist, I brought my full weight onto his chest making as close as I could to a similar wound that was done by Strawhat.

Vik seized forward and then his body relaxed on the ground. Blood was on his lips, the perfect weapon for a devil.

"Use the blood wisely, it will take longer than usual once they put the sea prism stone handcuffs on you, but work towards freeing as many of his men as you can.

Specifically the loud boisterous ones. Those are the top executives, I will come for you and them once I calm him down..I will reward you once the job is done." I said already hastily walking away from him.

I haven't seen Doflamingo in 8 long years, not being human has its perks and its downsides. I looked forward into the future with my observation haki and saw what happened with Doflamingo and Viola..

It broke our agreement that we came to ten years before, it was a secret that only the executives of the family knew about. I still am that secret.

Doflamingo was 23 and a lot different, I was nearly killed trying to just get an audience with him. It was Treble who threw me at Doffy's feet as I used my color of observation to win his curiosity.

My ask was that Doflamingo help me find my family and kill them. In return he could use me any way he wished, for sex or for a tool of destruction.

Both options seemed to intrigue him. It wasn't until we had our first encounter together I added the additional rule that if he was going to sleep with someone, it could only be me.

Maybe that was naive of me, asking a playboy like Doflamingo to only dip his dick in one person. But he held his word until I saw the overtaking of Dressrosa and he took his prize..

Although I did disappear before the overtaking of Dressrosa, it was a fact that it happened, because I was not there to force the outcome to change.I wasn't going to be discarded and watch as he slept with someone else.

I thought Doflamingo had changed for me, but again, I was naive to fall in love with a man who would kill women and children with a smile on his face.

To think that the young boy I heard Doflamingo talk about go missing, be the one to cause his demise. I still have no idea what the so-called Surgeon of Death looks like.

Trafalgar D Water Law. Those with the will of D always intrigue my race of people. Cora and Law must have grown closer than I had cared to look into.

But Cora was always a kind, quiet person, his betrayal was a surprise.

Bloody Feathers Doflamingo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now