3. Atlas....My love has come along.

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Pain radiated from my throat, making me quickly reach to touch it. Wincing from the pain I came to the quick conclusion I had bruised it.

Wait...he did this.

Catching my bearings I pieced together what happened after Doffy's tantrum. I lay in my fluffy bed at home, a smell coming from down stairs.

This second level of my castle consisted of my room, a bathroom and the library. Downstairs had the living room, kitchen and other bathroom.

Swinging my legs towards the end of the bed, I paused. Looking at my body I saw that I was naked, washed from the absence of blood. My wound rather than being bandaged was now sporting a large patch.

Standing and wobbling, I made my way to my wardrobe. I grabbed my black bra and underwear set and put them on patiently.

Looking at my small selection of clothes, I could make the hassle of trying to slip on pants and a shirt or slip on a short tight dress. Unconsciously I reached for my throat lightly stroking the skin to self-soothe.

How much of me talking to him on the boat did he hear? He definitely heard the last bit.

Wincing in pain as I let out a natural sigh, I bit my tongue wanting to curse. This isn't the worst that Doflamingo has hurt me, at least physically.

There was a time when I was unable to move from the bed after he threw me out a window.

Reaching for the black dress, I pulled it out and slipped it off the hanger and over my head.

Pulling it over my shoulders I pulled it down, it hugged my hips and tightly held its position about three inches from the bottom of my ass.

The aroma of peppers and meat wafted its way again at me, giving me the courage to move to round two of the Doffy tantrum.

Doflamingo tantrums go one of two ways. You either are forgiven, or you keep going through hell until you beg for mercy.

Which he will either kill you for or he will still treat you like hell until someone else pisses him off more. I imagine eight years worth of resentment has warranted me the first option.

Reaching the bottom of the steps I peered through the living room glancing at Doflamingo hunched over the stove top.

Walking over softly, not really trying to be secretive I made my way just behind him. Instinctively, out of an old habit, I reached for him.

Pausing before I wrapped my arms around him, the realization of the situation came flooding back.

I brought my arms back and hugged myself with them, backing into the center island of the kitchen, I lifted myself and sat on top of the counter.

I watched as he was focused, or at least so I thought. I watched as he turned around and left the food unattended. But the pan kept tossing the food almost on its own.

Looking down at his right hand I saw his fingers dancing, puppeteering the cooking. He looked at me frowning, I had gained some height on the counter and he wasn't looking down on me as much as he usually does.

"D-d-disap-pointed?" I choked out. "I'm n-not d-dead." he reached for me with left hand, his thumb pulling my bottom lip down slightly.

His face tightened as I spoke. Releasing me he turned around and finished making his meal. He maneuvered the kitchen like it was him who was here for eight years. He had been snooping around.

I heard the sound of liquid pouring and watched as Doffy presented me with a cup of soup. Looking at him I took it slowly, slightly burning my hands. I went to sit it next to me only to see the veins bulge in his head.

Bloody Feathers Doflamingo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now