2. Heavenly demon and Devil

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The feeling of being lifted off the ground and embraced in a hot inferno consumed me. My eyes felt heavy and a pinching pain in my right arm.

I tried to make a noise but my throat was dry.

"Are you awake little bird?" I rubbed my face into warm skin that was holding me close.


My eyes shot open and I looked up, he was looking straight forward to where he was walking.

My brain was going a mile a minute trying to piece together where we were walking, where he had docked us and why I was even awake.

"Your map was helpful. I am not sure where this island is, I have never seen it on any charts before." He  said looking down at me with a soft smile.

"Put me down." I said raspily, struggling against his hard body.

"Not yet little bird, I don't need you running off again.... for another eight years." He said, muttering the last part.

He returned his gaze to where he was walking. His grip tightened around me, making me wince.

Feeling trapped, my heart began to pound out of my chest. Following the feeling of pain I looked at my arm that was aching.

There was a needle and a bloody tube attached, grabbing the tube lighty I followed it to one of Doflamingo's arms.

Shock was my first reaction, then a wave of embarrassment. Lightly I tugged the needle from his arm and applied pressure for him.

I guess he's been in me in yet another way.

Doffy chuckled, scaring me into thinking he heard the leud thought that had just crossed my mind.

He loosened his tightened grip around me to something more comfortable.

Feeling confident that his arm wouldn't bleed after a few moments, I repeated the process on myself, wrapping up the tubing and allowing them to sit on my stomach since he was carrying me bridal style.

"Is this where you have been all this time?" He asked seriously.

Peeking out from his pink coat, I saw that he had successfully managed to travel to Yomi no Kuni.

"Don't go towards the town. Make a right and follow the path in the grass and into the forest. My house is the only thing over here." I said confidently seeing where he was walking.

I felt him look up and change where he was headed to only feel the presence of his stare on me yet again.

"If you're going to stare at me, at least put me down so you don't run into a tree." I said half pouting. I was trying to play it off cool, but my heart was my biggest tell.

Feeling us stop I forced down the feeling of shock as Doffy set me down feet first.

Grabbing the tube that was used to give me a blood transfusion, I stretched my arms up in the air.

Doflamingo stood tall above me watching me watching me like the dominant bird in the sky.

"Follow me," I said, walking slightly ahead of Doflamingo.

My black pants felt sticky, I must have bled a lot more than I realized.

Taking sight of my red shirt I saw that it was a completely different shade of red; dried blood. Looking forward as we passed through the thicket I tried to settle my breathing.

"To answer your question," I began. "Yes. I have been here the past eight years.

This is where I was born, and raised. Welcome to Yomi no Kuni, the Underworld. It's just an island that only devils can get too.

You've never seen it before because it isn't on any charts. No log pose will ever point to it because it doesn't exist.

But to me, and my people, it does. It is only available to devils, and you got lucky because you have me." I said turning back to give a wide closed eyed smile.

Quickly returning my attention to walking forward I could see my house in the distance.

"My house is kind of a mess, I was in a rush last time I was here. I really didn't plan on returning here after I saw what was going to happen." I said trailing off.

"You have a habit of that."

"Of what?"

"Rushing off and leaving a mess of things." Doffy said, brushing past me in an easy stride. He made it to the door and entered my large house.

Ok...Ouch. But valid.

On the outside it came across as a cobblestoned mini castle, on the inside it consisted of a living room, kitchen, two bathrooms, a library and my room.

Entering behind him I closed my door, and watched as he shrugged off his coat and made himself at home.

I watched as he examined the living room we had just walked into and then stared at the kitchen.

Old News Coo articles were everywhere, along with drawings I had made recreating to the best of my memory what Doffy looked like.

Great job Y/n...Look like a crazy psycho....check.

I watched as he picked up a handle full of articles quickly looking at them and tossing them to the ground. A half drawn sketch was tossed on top of him with his longer hair.

Young Doffy was a marvel to look at.

"Why?" He said looking at me wrapped in bandages still. Pouting my lips I bumped my finger guns together looking away from him.

"Why what?" I said trying to avoid this conversation with awake Doffy, I just had a rough go of this conversation while he was unconscious.

"Y/n don't play games with me. Did you get tired of playing pirate?"

He asked callously, stepping closer to me. Grabbing me by the hips he lifted me against him making me wrap my legs against him for support. Angry, I looked into his red tinted glasses.

"Is that what you think? With all of my abilities you think I just DECIDED one day I was tired of wanting for nothing and that I should just leave? Did you ever think about what you did?" I said putting my hands on his shoulders.

"Fufufufu, please go on." He said with his menacing smile showing. Staring at him I activated the color of observation and saw that telling him he lied to me leaving wasn't a smart idea. He was really going to slam me into the ground for telling the truth.


"I didn't get tired of 'playing pirates'. I said looking down.

"Well?" he said, shifting his weight to hold me up with one hand so he could use the other to tilt my face to look up at him. Being forced to say it to his face I swallowed hard.

"I saw that once you overtook Dressrosa you left me at our old base rather than take me to Dressrosa. I looked even further and saw what you did to Viola. Not to mention over the years I saw you with other women. But it's not like the other women matter now... It was the fact that so soon after taking Dressrosa that you slept with Viola.'' I said watching the veins in his forehead bulge.

"You left based on something you could have changed?" He said grinding his teeth.

"Don't even turn this around on m–"

"Shut up," He said, gripping my throat in his hands, choking me.

"You and I both know that at any given moment you could have changed the outcome of many things. You could have killed her before I even got there. You could have insisted on going to Dressrosa with me."

Gripping his hand around my throat I was struggling to breath. In my panicked state, I could not even imagine trying to use my abilities to help me out of this bind.

"You know, little bird. I was thinking of bringing you with us when the plan was enacted. But you wouldn't know that would you? Because you don't see thoughts. You see events and reactions. So you don't even know what I am thinking. Do you?" He said, his mouth twisting into a devilish smile.

Darkness began to cloud my vision as Doflamingo's last words rang in my ears as I passed out.

"A bastard, right?"

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