13. Revenge Plan

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"Come on Young Master!" Dellinger pouted splashing water towards Doffy who was in bright pink swim trunks with his arms behind his back soaking the sun up.

"It's no fun if we are all enjoying this and you're lounging around dear." Giolla is braiding my hair behind me helping to keep it from getting too wet.

"The water is warm, even Y/n is swimming with us." Diamante said, leaning against the side of the pool in his yellow swim trunks.

"I've told you all once before, I'm not getting in." A deep sigh erupted from him, turning to look at Giolla and then to Dellinger a grin spread across my face.

"Hey, Delli," Splashing water at him and then looking at Doffy unsuspectedly. "It's not fair you're the only one able to really enjoy being underwater." Biting my lip to stop myself from giggling I watched as Delli wound his arms back and forth in a comfortable position.

I could practically hear Diamante, Pica and Giolla's eyes rolling.

"Considering you're brave enough to splash a half fishman, then I take it you're prepared for the consequences Y/n." Grinning ear to ear showing his fighting fish teeth.

Dellinger immediately began circling me like a shark in the water at rapid speed splashing me all the way.

Laughing I struggle to splash him back as he drenched me and Giolla who is caught in the crossfire.

"Hey!" Diamante yelled at us before giving in and splashing us back. Senor pink joined in forming a team with Diamante.

"You're getting me wet!" Pica's shrill voice came as he began to laugh with us. This was the moment before Doffy got mad.

Creeping close to the edge I planted my feet firmly on the ground in the pool before splashing hard at Doflamingo before sinking into the water just enough where my nose and eyes stayed above the water.

"You just couldn't say no for an answer, could you?" Everyone seemed to stop as Doffy sat up looking pissed. Towering over the pool he looked like he was staring at me and everyone else all at once.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you not to bite the hand that feeds you?" Standing up and no longer hiding in the water I begin to plan my apology.

There's a lot of different ways I could apologize but–

A huge splash of water swallows me, drenching my hair and somehow undoing the braid that Giolla had done for me.

Doflamingo now stood next to me in the pool with a hand snaked around me.

"Who's next? Dellinger." bursting into laughter a manic water fight began to ensue, Doflamingo placed me on top of his shoulders and we began a water fight between the two of us and the others.

"Pica! Pick me up!" Dellinger called to him but Pica was already slinging Senor Pink up on him as we tried to push each other off.

Senor Pink held onto my shoulders and I held on to his trying our bed to shove the other off.

"So how's the weather down there Pica?" I chuckled since he was having to deal with Doffy.

"Now!" Pica jumped up in place giving Senor Pink enough momentum to shove me off back first into the water.

Fully submerged I felt myself beginning to sink, waist deep water and still able to drown. Great.

Whose idea was this again?.....

It was mine wasn't it?

I wonder if they will keep messing around while I sit here and drown. Leaving me alone.

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