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(Italics means they are speaking Russian)
Red Room facility December 2, 2004

After 16 hours of being in labour, the newly 20 year old, Natalia Romanova, is sitting in tears while holding her two lifeless babies.

Moments before
"Can I hold them," Natalia asked quietly, desperate to touch her new babies. "No!" Ivan, who is one of her trainers, exclaims. "Are you scared for them Natalia? Do you care about them? Well guess what? They are both dead, and love is for children."
"Oh give her five minutes with them Ivan. What harm can it do?" The madame did always have a extremely tiny soft spot in her heart for Natalia, she was the best after all.

"Fine! But only five minutes." Ivan whined, while giving in.

Both babies are girls with little sprouts of Natalia's bright crimson hair. Their skin is as white as a ghost, and they each have a sweet little button nose.

Natalia stares at her little girls, taking in all of their features, as this will probably be the last moments she will ever share with them.

"Alright quit the pity party," the madame says transforming back into her hard, careless self. She takes the two girls out of their mothers arms, and walks off with them wrapped in blankets. Already heartbroken, and exhausted from 16 hours of labour, Natalia doesn't try to put up a fight, and let's them go. As the madame walks out she tells Natalia "hurry along back to your room, your training resumes tomorrow morning." Natalia slowly and quietly gets up and trudges back to her room.

As she lays down in bed, Natalia starts to daydream about what it would have been like if her and James had escaped. Then they could have raised their little girls together, and in a safe place, far away from here and Hydra.
Eventually Natalia's daydreaming sends her off into the deepest sleep of her life.

As Madame B. reaches the front of the facility, she is met with two Hydra agents who are here to collect the girls. They are taking them to a Hydra facility where they can be brought to life, and raised for a little while, before being sent back to the Red Room to train and live up to their mothers legacy.

The Hydra agents pack the twins into their truck and set off on their way.

Madame B. watches as the truck drives off, before going back inside, and up to bed.

Once the truck arrives back at the Hydra facility, the two girls are brought to one of many labs and thrown down onto a metal cart. Scientist begin their experiments to bring the two girls to life, and keep them healthy enough to be able to keep them alive. Both girls are injected with a serum, and then placed in an incubator type machine, which will keep them warm, give them the nutrients they need, and allow them to grow a little more.

They are left alone, as the scientist finish up for the night, and head home.

First chapter! Sorry if it's This is my first Watt-pad story:)
Hope you enjoy, and I am so excited to continue the story and see where it takes us!!!

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