X- Happy Birthday!

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(Russian is in italics)
New York, December 1, 2013

It has been two days since Natasha was reunited with both of her daughters. In the past two days Natasha has taken them out to a restaurant for dinner, helped Sashenka settle in to the apartment, and has bombarded her girls with birthday related questions.

Now that she has both of her girls, she wants to make their first birthday together, very special.

Since Nat has gotten little to no response from the girls as to what they want. Natasha called up her best friends wife for a little help.

Natasha and Laura are currently at target trying to sort out presents, and decorations for tomorrow.

"Do you think they would like these?" Laura asks Nat while holding up two pairs of fuzzy slippers that have animal faces on them.

"Sure, what ten year old wouldn't want those." Natasha shrugs, while coming to the conclusion that her daughters are the two hardest people, in the world, to shop for.

"Ok, we got one thing!" Laura exclaims while sighing in relief. "Would they like books?" Laura thought.

"Probably, let's go find some." Natasha says eagerly, knowing that finding the right book will be just as hard.

By the end of their shopping trip they had gotten each girl a pair of slippers, a book, some cool science experamint activity's, and on their way home Natasha spotted a jewelry store that had beautiful necklaces. She insisted they go in, so each girl got a necklace with their birth stone in it. They also got a lot of decorations including balloons, party streamers, a happy birthday sign, wrapping paper, and lots of confetti, which Laura is convince Nat will regret buying after it is all over her apartment.

The girls had been out with Wanda and Maria all day, so Nat had time to wrap and hide their gifts.

As they got back to the apartment Natasha was just finishing up wrapping the last gift.

"We're home!" Svetlanna yelled, to make her presence known.

"One sec!" Nat exclaimed, quickly trying to hide the presents. She just ended up leaving them in her walk in closet. "Coming!" She said as she rushed out of her room and into the living room.

"Hi Mama!" The girls greeted.

"Hello! Did you have fun with Wanda and Maria?" Nat asked.

"Yup, we got ice cream!" Sash tells her mother.

"Lucky you," she smiled back.

"Thanks for watching them," Natasha thanked Maria and Wanda.

"No problem," Maria told her.

"Anytime, we had lots of fun." Wanda exclaimed.

It has been 3 hours now since the twins got home, and they have been watching tv, but now they are bored.

Natasha has been in her room doing work.

Svet and Sash decided to go and bug their mom as something to do.

"We're bored!" Svet groans to her mother.

"Well, what do you want to do?" Natasha asks them.

"I don't know," sash reply's as she flops onto the bed.

"Can we go see Papa?" Svet asks, desperate to see him.

"I'm sorry detka, we aren't allowed to." Natasha try's to explain to her daughter.

"That's not fair!" Svet says, visibly upset.

"No it's not," Natasha gives the girl a sad smile. "But he will be home soon."

"How soon?" Sashenka chimes in.

"I'm not sure exactly how soon, but we are doing the best we can." Natasha tells the girls.

"We'll do better!" Svet yells as she marches out of the room in frustration.

Natasha sighs as Sashenka cuddles into her.

Nat starts running her fingers through Sashka's hair, as they sit in a comfortable silence.

"She's mad," Sash points out the obvious.

"She is just frustrated that she hasn't been able to see him."


It is 8am the next morning, and Natasha is on her way to the girls room to wake them up.

As she walks in she sees both girls still asleep. "Happy birthday!" She says while turning the lights on, to wake up the girls.

"It's too early," Svetlanna groans.

"Come on, I've got cinnamon buns in the oven," Nat tries to convince her sleepy daughter too get out of bed.

"Ooo cinnamon buns!" Svet says excitedly while jumping out of bed.

"What are cinnamon buns?" Sash asks, filled with confusion.

"They are really good!" Svet tells her sister.

"Come on," Nat leads them into the kitchen.

Natasha pulls the buns out of the oven and puts the icing on them, and then gives one to each girl.

"Wow these are amazing," Sashka exclaims.

"Told ya," Svet responds in a 'I told you so' tone.

Nat just smiles at her girls.

A couple hours later, the girls have opened all their presents, and are now working together on one of the kits.

They are suppose to follow the instructions and make an exploding volcano.

Natasha made them do it on the balcony so her apartment wouldn't be covered in fake lava. Even though it's December.

While they are outside doing that, Natasha is inside preparing a movie, cozy blankets, and hot chocolate for when their done.

As the kettle is boiling the water for the hot chocolate, she hears a knock on the door. She peeks through the peek hole to see who it is, and sees a familiar face.

"The girls will be so excited," she says to herself before opening the door.

Haha be cliff hanged.
Hope you enjoyed:)

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