VI- Romanoff?

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(Russian is in italics)
Washington D.C., 2012

Svetlanna wakes up in the middle of the night, in a layer of sweat from a nightmare. Natasha had already been up, after she had awoken to her daughter making noises in her sleep.

"Your ok Svetla." The mother reassures the girl.

Svet is still breathing very heavy, trying to catch her breath.

"Keep breathing detka."

"I-I-I had a-a night-t mare Ma-ma," Svet stutters.

"I know baby, but it was just a dream, you are safe I promise."

"Sash and Papa are not safe." Svet points out.

"I know and that's why we are going to try and help them, but for now you need to sleep."

"What about you Mama."

"I will sleep once I know my little girl is fast asleep dreaming about happy things."

Svet smiles and cuddles back into her Mama.

"Good night Mama."

"Good night detka."

The next morning Natasha brought Svetlanna along with her to Shield Headquarters. Nat just had to do some paper work, and mission reports, and then she had the rest of the day to spend with her daughter.

"I just need to get some paper work from Furry. Do you want to come with me or are you ok here?"

"Can I come?"

"Of course detka."

They get in the elevator and ride up to the floor Furrys office is on. Once they get off the elevator they head to his office.

"Romanoff?" The director asks while he sees a child that can't be older than ten, walk into his office with his best agent.

"Yes? I am just her to collect paperwork." Natasha innocently states, knowing her boss has a lot of questions.

Completely ignoring the paperwork,
"whose the kid?"

"She's my daughter!" Natasha clearly, and proudly states.

"Excuse me?" Furry asks extremely confused.

"My daughter."


"Long Story." Nat hopes the director will let her off on that, for now anyways.

"Oh," is all he responds with.

Than the director turns his attention to the petit red head standing next to her mother.

"Svetlanna, right? You have a sister don't you?"

Svet nods, extremely confused on how he knows her name, and remembering her sister and how much she misses her. Sashenka was always there to protect Svet, as she is 7 minutes older.

"Ok let's go," Nat says as she sees her daughter starting to feel uncomfortable.

"I'm not finished Romanoff!" Furry states, wanting to share more of the knowledge he has on the girl.

"But we are. See you later," and with that Natasha drags her daughter out of the room.

A couple hours later, Natasha has finally finished everything she needed to do.

They are getting ready to leave as Maria Hill approached them.

"Agent Romanoff," the brunette greets.

"Hill.....what's up?"

"Just wanted to say goodbye before you head back to New York."

"Well farewell to you to. I am sure we will be in contact often."

"Probably! Safe travels to you both." Maria smiles at Svet as she walks off.

Natasha and Svet decided to walk around D.C. for a little while, before heading back to the hotel, and packing up, as they leave first thing in the morning.

"What should we do for dinner?" Natasha asks her daughter.

"Can we go back to the restaurant?" Svet eagerly questions.

"How about we try a new one?"


Natasha starts looking for local restaurants. She came across an Irish pub and decided that would be the best place for them to go.

After dinner the mother and daughter returned to their hotel room. With their stomaches full, they passed out in each others arms.

Sorry this is a short crappy chapter:/
I want to write more thrilling chapters (and we will get there) but I also want the book to have more chapters of  fluff between Nat and her daughters (idk abt you but I love that kind of stuff ).
So....... Bare with me:)
Hope you enjoyed anyway:)

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