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(Russian is in italics)
New York, January 2014

New year new me! That's what they say, right? Anyways, James was sadly not let out for the holidays, even after Natasha spent an hour yelling at the shield agents. But Christmas was fun, I mean, it was the first one Nat enjoyed. They had a pretty low key couple of weeks, other than all the forms Natasha had to sign to get the girls into school, which they still don't know about. Due to their lack of knowledge on this subject, Natasha has finally built up the courage to tell them. She has no idea how they are going to respond, but here goes nothing.

"Girls! Come here," Natasha called to her daughters.

She heard the pitter patter of feet run along towards the kitchen where she was waiting.

"What's wrong mama?" Svetlanna questioned.

"Nothings wrong, I just wanted to let you know that you will both be starting school in a couple days," Nat let's out the breath she didn't know she was holding.

"What!" Both girls say in unison and shock.

"Why would you do that to us?" Sashenka questions, slightly offended.

"Because, by law you need to attend school, and we are not holding it off any longer. Like ripping off the bandaid." Natasha tells her girls.

"That's a pretty big bandaid," Svetlanna says under her breath, but loud enough to be heard.

"Yes well it was going to happen eventually, and you don't get much say in this decision. It's what is best for you anyway,"

"That's not fair," Svet complains.

"Well life's not fair, is it?" Natasha fires back.

"I don't want to go," Sash intervenes her mother and sisters little argument.

"Too bad!"

The girls just walk away annoyed and frustrated, while Nat gets a phone call.

"Hello?" Natasha asks into the phone.

"Nat?" Good old Steve Rogers responds.

"What's up Steve?" She questions.

"We need you on a mission," Steve states.

"I can't right now, the girls start school in a couple days, and their already, really not happy about it, plus I have no one to watch them, and I'm not leaving two angry ten year olds alone in my apartment." Natasha tells him.

"Please Nat, it's just 24 hours, so you will be back in time to take them to school, and I'll send someone over to watch them." Steve offers.


"An old friend," Steve smirks.

Soooo sorry it's been so long since I have updated, I have started school and have no motivation lol.
Anyways imma write the next chapter rn so I can just publish it tmr.
Can't wait to see who the misters person is.....lol!

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