III- The Last One Standing

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(Russian is in italics)
Red Room Academy, 2012

Svetlanna and Sashenka have been trapped training in the Red Room for four years now. Through all of the hours of ballet, physical and mental abuse, and harsh training, both girls are still standing stronger than they ever have.

It is just them and one other girl left. If they can kill the other little girl, then they will move on to the 'Graduation Ceremony', and then become the next Black Widows.

They will have lived up to their mothers legacy...

"This is the final round girls, only two of you will come out on top. Make me proud." Was the last thing the madame said to all three girls.

All of them got into a ready stance.


Svet and Sash stood their waiting for the other girl, Anastasia, to make the first move.

She did.

Both Svetlanna and Sashenka saw it coming and blocked her attack.

Svetlanna went in for a hit, and punched the girl right in her stomache. This winded poor Anastasia for a second, this gave Sash a chance to make a move.

Sashenka kicked her to the ground, which gave her the upper hand. She then proceded to step down hard on the girls rib cage twice, cracking her ribs.

Now that the girl could barley move from the pain she was in, Svet took this as an opportunity to put her out of her misery.

Anastasia sat up, and Svetlanna got behind her, put her in a head lock, and then snapped her neck.

Anastasia fell lifeless to the ground.

"Good job girls, I knew you had it in you, just like your mother."

The madames words caught Svetlanna off guard.

Their mother?

How does the madame know her?

Although Svetlanna had so many questions she stayed silent, as it wasn't her place to speak, or ask questions.

"Now on to the Graduation Ceremony,"

The girls followed the madame to a hospital like room.

"Go change into these," they were handed white hospital gowns.

After they changed, they found them selves being strapped to metal tables with extremely strong and durable straps.

The doctors started the procedure by injecting the girls with a serum that would relax their bodies, but would not numb them.

After sitting through what felt like days of excruciating pain, the twins were lying, what looked like from a far lifeless, on the tables.

Their bodies were in so much pain.

Svetlanna turned her head towards her sister, "what did they do to us Shashka?"
"I don't know Svet." Sash said turning her head to face her sister so she could read her lips.

After 10 more minutes of horrible pain in their abdomen region, the madame came in with matching black, leather unitards.

"Get ready girls you leave for a mission in 30 minutes." she threw the unitards at each girl and then left.

"I'm in to much pain to do this" Svetlanna whined to her sister, as if that would do anything.

"I know Scet me too. But do we really have an option?"

"I guess not."

30 minutes later
"I believe you girls have met the solider before," the madame said as if this man was not their father.

The girls noded in unison while looking up at their Papa in awe. But he stared down at them as if they were nothing but two little kids he just met.

"You will be joining the solider on his mission in Washington. You are to help, not act as a distraction. Am I clear?" the girls noded in understanding, and followed the solider as he walked to the jet.

They were about to land in Washington, and the solider has finally recognized his daughters. This makes them feel so full and loved again.

But he can't let the guards see that he remembers, or they will wipe him again.

They are currently hiding on top of a tall building after making a dramatic scene.

The solider was suppose to kill his target, while the twins distracted any possible witnesses.

Spoiler alert, there is a witness, and not Someone they would particularly want as a witness.

Captain America happened to be on his way back from a mission and spotted them.

They are currently running from the leader of the avengers, on the top of a tall building.

They are running somewhat peacefully, when all of a sudden some huge drone flys up beside them and knocks Svetlanna off the side of the building because she did not hear it coming towards her.

She lets out a heart wrenching scream as she falls 20 story's down.

She prepares herself for the emense pain of her spine breaking and then death, but she never hits the ground.

Big bulky arms catch her small but strong body. She looks up to see a man dressed very patriotically holding her tiny frame.

He puts her down, then puts her hands in handcuffs and leads her away.

The Winter Solider, and Sashenka get away. It isn't until they are on the jet that they realize Svetlanna is no longer with them.

"Where is Svet Papa?"

"She got out." is all the solider responds with.

" What do you mean Papa? Will I ever see her again? Will she be ok?"

"SHhhh Sashka, she will be alright." the solider tries to reassure his little girl.

"Is she with Mama?" Sash ask timidly.

"I think so princess."

"Will I ever get out? Will I ever get to see Mama?" she continues with the questions.

"I don't know Sashka." Is all the solider can tell his little girl.

He would do anything for her to be free, but right now there is nothing he can do. She is to valuable to Hydra and the KGB, that they would not compromise.'

"I miss her Papa."

"Me too, me too."

Oop! Now is when the real drama begins. As you can tell I finally figured out how to continue the story line:)
I am so excited to write the next chapter!AHHHH!!!!!
This was definetly the longest chapter I have Written:)

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