I - Papa?

366 7 2

(Russian is in italics)
Hydra facility December 2, 2005

It has been exactly one year since the twins had been born, and transferred to the Hydra facility.

Throughout the whole year they have been kept, and hidden in the lab. The scientist, Doctor Fernonzo, has been watching over the twins. Watching them grow, teaching them to walk, talk and feeding them. Each girl received two small meals a day that consisted of a protein and a vegetable or fruit, they also got a glass of milk or water to drink.

The Winter Solider just returned from a failed mission. He was supposed to murder one of Hydras traitors, and his family. After killing the main target, the mother was able to escape the Winter Solider, with her two children.
Instead of wiping him again, as punishment, his superior decided to try a new method.

Alexander Pierce brought the two little girls up to meet their father today. Little did they know they were being used as a threat. He has decided to use them as a way to keep the Winter Solider in line.

"Solider? Do you know these girls?" Alexander Pierce questioned. After looking them over several times "no," is the conclusion he comes to. As he continues to stare at the girls, confusion starts running through his head.

Who could these girls be?

Has he met them before?

Questions keep flowing through his mind. He shakes them off after a moment, but the one thing that won't leave him is the sudden feeling of protectiveness he feels for them. He feels like there is a strong connection between them, and that it is his duty to protect them at all costs.

"Their your daughters Solider," Alexander responded.

His daughters? He thought.
But how?
When did he have time for that?...

All of a sudden memories of a red head ballerina come flooding into his mind. He could picture her face but couldn't quite remember her name.

"Listen closely Solider," he started again "every mission you fail from now on, every time you refuse to comply, they pay for it."

Those words take a toll on him.

His superior is using his daughters to black mail him?

He knew in that moment he had to do everything in his power to keep his girls safe.

It's what she would want.

They deserve to be safe and cared for.

They don't deserve to be in a place like this.

As those thoughts were rushing through his mind, he stood up, walked over to Pierce, and took the girls from him. He then took them back to his cell, where he could watch over them and keep them some what safe.

He sat down on the tiny uncomfortable cot in the corner of his room. He had a girl on each knee.

They both looked up at him with their big eyes, then one of them looked across the room, while the other one kept staring at him in awe.

The first thing the solider could think of was their names. He assumed they didn't have any, so he decided it was his job to name them.

The solider wanted names that suited his girls. They both had crimson red hair, like their mother. They each had a button nose, and their skin was pale. The only difference was, one of them had morning sky, blue eyes, like himself, and the other had emerald green ones, like the women he had once loved. They were both dressed in extremely oversized t-shirts, had messy, almost matted hair, and could both use a deep cleaning. He decided that after he named them, he was going to find them a way out of this place.

The Winter Solider had only every heard a few names, most of the them being Russian. He remembered some of them being Lelya, Svetlanna, Masha, Anastasia, and Sashenka.

After a lot of self debate he decided to go with Svetlanna, meaning light, and Sashenka, meaning defender and helper of mankind.

He felt these two names would fit his girls perfectly.

He chose the girl with the morning sky blue eyes to be Sashenka, as she was slightly bigger than her sister, and seemed like she would do anything to protect and defend the ones she loved. The girl with the emerald green eyes would be Svetlanna, the solider could see the light in her eyes, and could see her trying to light up the world and make it a better place.

The solider pointed at Sashenka "Sashenka," he said.
"Sashenka," she responded in her baby voice, and then giggling in amusement.

Then he pointed at Svetlanna "Svetlanna." Svetlanna didn't respond, instead she continued staring off into the distance like he hadn't said anything to her.

He tried again "Svetlanna." She still acted as though she heard nothing.

It wasn't until he tapped her on the shoulder, and startled her, did she give him her attention.

It then hit him.
She's deaf...

Oooooooooo, can't wait to find out what's next!!!

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