IX- Mama? Papa?

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(Russian in italics)
New York Shield Base, November 29, 2013

As soon as Svetlanna saw her sister, she went straight to her and pulled her in to a tight hug, Sashenka doing the same.

"It's been so long, I missed you so much!" Svet tells her sister with happy tears forming in her eyes.

"I missed you more," Sash argues.

"Not possible," Svet argues back.

Natasha and Maria are sat watching the sisters reunion.

"There so cute together." Maria whispers to her friend.

"I know I already love their relationship so much." Natasha whispered back, while smiling at her girls.

Natasha teared up a little thinking about how she thought they were dead, and she would never see them, or James again. But now her daughters are standing right in front of her, and James is in the same building as her.

She was feeling so full and happy for the first time in decades.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by her girls.

"Mama, can we go home, and then go to a restaurant for dinner?" Svetlanna asked, excited to show her sister what a restaurant was.

"We have to stay here for a little while, but we can definitely go out for dinner!" Nat exclaimed, knowing all of Svet's dreams were coming true.

The girls nodded in response.

"Can Papa come too?" Sahska asked.

"I don't know detka." Natasha answered giving them a sad smile. " why don't we leave Maria alone and go find something to pass time, hmm?"

"Sounds good to me," Svet exclaimed.

"Same here," Sash added.

About two hours later, they were just getting back from getting ice cream when Steve came to greet them.

"Hey guys, how's the ice cream?" Steve asked.

"Good!" The girls said at the same time.

"That's good, I'm just gunna steal your mom for a second. Why don't you two go take a seat over there." Steve pointed to a section of chairs just far enough away so they wouldn't hear their conversation.


Once they were out of ear shot, Steve started.

"They want to lock him up." Steve told her.

"Excuse me?" Natasha responded, praying she had heard him wrong.

"Nat....I'm sorry. I have been trying to talk them out of it for the past hour."

"Well let me have a go." Nat angrily pushed her way passed Steve to go talk some sense into these stupid people.

"No violence." Steve yelled after her, then he walked over to sit with the girls.

"What's going on?" Sashka asked the captain.

"They want to lock up your dad. So now....well....you probably understand what's going on." Steve explained.

"I hope she kills them," Svet says bluntly.

"Well I told her not to, because that can get her in a lot of trouble, but will see." Steve says, kinda frightened by the nine year olds comment.

"I hope she kills them too!" Sashka agrees.

Steve just shakes his head.

"You definitely got your feistiness from your mother." He tells the girls.

After sitting there in silence for another ten minutes Natasha walks out fuming with rage and sadness.

"What's going on Mama?" Svet questions the older red head.

"Some STUPID people want to lock your father up." Nat reply's loud enough so Rumlow, who was following her at a distance, could hear.

"Natasha we have to, it's for everyone's safety!" Rumlow argues.

"He's safe! Your just stupid!" Sashenka chimes in.

"Ya, your stupid," Svet adds.

Nat just stands there proud of her girls.

Steve just shakes his head in amusement.

"Get a hold of your children Romanoff." Rumlow yells angrily because he is being bullied by two nine year olds.

"Why? They are perfectly fine." Natasha states.

Rumlow just walks away fuming.

"Alright let's go home." Natasha says to the twins.

"What about Papa?" Svet, who hasn't seen him yet, questions.

"He can't come home right now, but don't worry it won't be long." She reassured her girls.

I'm sorry but I can't end the book here, that would be worse.....lol.
Anyways, we will see where the story takes us!

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