VIII- The Winter Soldier and his Little Widow

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(Russian is in italics)
New York City November 29, 2013

It has been two days since the Winter Soldiers first appearance in New York. And just like Natasha had said, they were waiting for him in Brooklyn around the corner from his next victims home.

Natasha and Steve had been waiting in their spots for about twenty minutes now. All of a sudden they see the Winter Solider and his Little Widow enter the house from a window high off the ground.

"They have entered the house Steve." Nat says through their comms.

"I am on my way at in through the back door." Steve replies.

"See you in there." Nat says.

Once Nat has entered the building, through the bathroom window on the first floor. She pulls out her gun and starts searching quietly through the house.

"First floor clear," she alerts Steve.

"Second floor clear too," Steve informs her.

"There are only three floors, let's meet on the third floor at the top of the stairs." Natasha instructs.


Once they reconnect on the third floor, they can hear the victim begging for his, and his family's lives.

"Ok how do we approach?" Natasha asks the captain.

"Slowly and carefully, we don't know what state they are in." Steve explains their plan.

The creep down the hallway with their guns up. As they enter the room they see a man, women, and three children, on their knees begging for their lives. The winter soldier has his gun aimed at the man, while his daughter has one aimed at the children.

"Put your guns down." Steve instructs sternly.

They both glance back at the captain unfazed before re-adjusting their aim.

As Sashenka turns her head back towards her victims, she catches a glance of someone that looks exactly like her mother.

She quickly shakes off the thought and refocuses.

"You are going to regret killing those people." Natasha tries to talk them out of it.

"If you shoot we shoot." Steve threatens.

Nat gives him a 'you better not shoot my kid' look, Steve nods, that lets her know it was only a threat.

Steve's threat did make them stutter a bit though. Mainly because the Winter soldier did not want his daughter to die, she deserves to live a long happy life.

He turns around to face them, and immediately recognizes both of them.

His best friend, and lover.

He thought to himself.

They are both standing right in front of me.

The Winter soldier doesn't know what to do.

Should he say something?

He doesn't need to because as soon as Steve saw him, he recognized him.

"Buck?" Steve questions. "Is it really you?"

By this point Sashenka has turned around and has been looking Nat up and down the whole time.

Bucky has now turned his attention to Natasha.

"Is she with you?" He asks sounding a little desperate.

Natasha nods. While they both put their guns down.

"Take her with you, please." Bucky pleads while motioning towards the girl.

By now Sashenka has clued in and put all the puzzle pieces together.

This is her mother.

Her sister is with her.

She gets to see her sister again!

"I will don't worry, but I'm not leaving you here either."

"You don't have much choice," Bucky tells her sadly. "Just promise that no matter what, you will keep them safe, and provide them with the life they deserve."

"I promise. But you are still coming with us, you don't have a choice." She tells him.

"What do you mean?" He asks, switching back to English.

"I mean that by law we can't leave without you. We are suppose to turn you in." She smirks at him.

"Sash too?"

"Technically, but I can pull some strings. Maybe get the both of you free." She shrugs.

He smiles at her.

They are now back at shield head quarters, they have taken the Winter Soldier in for questioning.

"Come with me." Rumlow tells the little girl.

"No!" Natasha gets between them.

"Natasha she has to." Rumlow tries to pull Sash along, but is quickly stopped by Nat.

"She is nine, she doesn't need to bombarded with questions about her life, from a stranger." Natasha grabs her daughters hand and pulls her in to her arms.

Rumlow choose not to fight with her today and just walked off annoyed.

Natasha engulfed her daughter into a hug and they just stood there holding onto each other for a moment.

"Do you want to go see your sister?"

Sahska eagerly nods at her mothers idea.

"Alright, let's go."

Natasha holds into her daughters hand as she leads them to where Svet is.

Svetlanna, after much protesting, was left with Maria Hill while her mother and Steve were gone.

She was sitting playing another round of cards with Maria when Nat came into her office with Sash.

Sashenka was standing behind her mother a little hidden, so Svet didn't see her right away. As she was coming over to give her mother a hug, she caught her sister out of the corner of her eye, and quickly pushed past her mother so she could hug her sister.

AHHHHH! Sisters reunited!!!
I wonder what will happen with Bucky?
Have to wait and see.
Anyways hope you enjoyed the little reunion. There will be a bigger one coming up lol...

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