VII- Bucket Hat

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(Russian in italics)
New York November 27, 2013

Svetlanna has been living with her mother, in her New York apartment for one year now. Svet has really settled in to the city girl lifestyle, but still refuses to let Natasha send her to a school. The girl is now nine years old, and has found a love for bucket hats. If you ask her, she only has a few of these peculiar hats, but if you ask Nat, her whole closet is full of them. Svetlanna misses her sister and Papa so much. Natasha has been using whatever she can get her hands on to find them. Svetlanna insists on helping her mother, but Nat doesn't want her daughter to be put in danger. Natasha does however use her to get as much information about Hydra and the KGB, as possible, without pushing boundaries of course. Svetlannas birthday is also coming up. It's her first birthday in New York and Natasha wants to make it as special as possible.

"Hey Svetii, what do you want to do for your birthday in a couple days?" Natasha asks the girl for the 100th time. She is sitting in the kitchen at the marble counter just trying to peacefully eat lunch.

"I don't know." Svet just shrugs off the question not really caring about her birthday.

"Come on there has got to be at least one thing you want to do." Nat insists.

"Can we go to a restaurant for dinner?" Svet has a real love for restaurants ever since her first night with her mother.

"Of course!" Nat exclaims, excited her daughter finally came up with something.

"Is there anything else you want to do, it's your special day we can do anything at all," Nat reminds her daughter again, remembering how guilty she use to feel after she escaped the RedRoom and people would offer her things. She use to feel like she didn't deserve anything after what she did, and she doesn't want her daughter to feel the same way.

"I don't want to burden you."

"You could never burden me, don't ever think of yourself like that." Natasha tries to make her daughter feel better.

"I don't know, the only thing I want is for us all to be together again, but I know you can't do that in the span of 5 days." Svet says truthfully while looking down.

Nat lifts her head up "I'm sorry detka, I want them here too, I understand how you feel."

Svet just gives a small, sad smile to her Mama.

"Your doing the best you can Mama." Svet tells her, switching back to her mother tongue.

"Thank you detka." Nat kisses her daughter on the forehead.

"I've got to go do a little bit of work. You think about what you want for your birthday." Nat says not forgetting about the birthday topic.

A few hours later, Natasha and Svet are sitting on the couch watching some T.V before dinner.

All of a sudden Nats phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Agent Romanoff I have a lead on the Winter Solider." Furry states, almost sounding happy.

"Please continue."

"He was last seen with Sashenka in Brooklyn 2 hours ago."

"And why couldn't you have called me sooner." Natasha asked feeling angry and annoyed. Her other daughter, and the love of her life were just in the same city as her. May have been in a different neighbourhood, but it is only a ten minute drive.

"I was unaware at the time, and the mission was reported as very dangerous." Furry tried to defend himself.

"Well their probably gone now. Let me know right away if you here anything else." She orders as she hangs up the phone.

Svet, who heard her mothers whole conversation, has some questions.

"Papa and Sash were here?" The girl began.

"Yes detka." Nat answered her curious daughter.

"Did we miss them?"

"Yes detka, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault Mama, you didn't know."

For a nine year old girl, Svetlanna was very mature and rarely broke down over things she knew couldn't have controlled.

Later that evening, after Svet was in bed, Natasha is about to turn out the kitchen lights when she hears a knock at the door. Carefully and quietly she goes over to the door to peek out the peek hole. She sees a familiar face so she opens the door.

"Rogers," She greets her old friend.


"What pleasure do I owe you this evening?"

"I just came by to catch up. It's been a while." He states.

"We'll come in."

Steve comes in and sits at the kitchen table.

"Would you like a drink?" Natasha offers her guest.

"Just Water please."

"One water coming up," Natasha jokes.

They both chuckle.

As she sits down Steve starts, "did you hear about the Winter Soldiers appearance?"

"Ya, Furry called me, of course it was two hours later, but what can you do." Natasha says still annoyed about the whole situation.

"Ya," Steve sighs out. "I don't think this will be his last appearance in New York."

"What do you mean?"

"His mission today was to take out one of many rich business man's who have betrayed Hydra. I'm sure he will be back to take out more." Steve explains.

"Then we will be waiting here for him."

"Yes, yes we will."

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, and sorry it's late today, but I guess it's better late than never<3
Btw some real shits abt to happen so fasten your seatbelts because it's about to be a toll at coaster of emotions.

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