XIV-An Old Friend

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(Russian in italics)
New York, January, 2014

Knowing exactley who was coming over, Natasha went to her room to get all packed and ready. She packed a small duffel bag, with a change of clothes since it was only a day.

As she was getting ready to leave she heard a knock on her door. Already feeling his presence, she opened the door to a familiar face that was smiling right at her.

He engulfed her in a hug, as she did the same. They stood there for a moment in complete silence.

"Are you out for good?" She questions the man.

"Yup," James responds.

Hearing that made Natasha feel complete again, it was the happiest feeling she has ever had.

She can now be with the love of her life, and raise her children, without having to look behind her to make sure there are no threats.

"Well I better say goodbye to the girls and be in my way." Natasha told James.

Just as she said that, the girls emerged from their room, less grumpy.

"Speak of the devil," James commented.

"PAPA!!" The girls screamed while running towards him to give him a hug.

Natasha moved out of their way.

He held both of his little girls so tight.

"Is it alright if he watches you while I'm gone?" Natasha asks, already knowing the answer.

"Of course," Sash answers.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Svet adds with a little sass, she definently got that trait from her mother.

"Alright, we'll I'll be back tomorrow, you three be good," Natasha instructs.

"We will," Sash reassures.

"I'm always good," Bucky says sounding offended.

"Ya ya....."

Bucky spent the next 24 hours hanging out with his girls. Once Natasha returned the whole family was back together again. After such a hard long life, all four of them can finally relax, and live as normal of a life as possible.

The end!

Hope you enjoyed this little story.
If you want me to write more lmk.
I'm thinking of doing one shots, but we will see where that takes us.

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