V- Don't You Dare Lay a Hand on Her!

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(Russian is in italics)
Shield facility Washington D.C., 2012


"Your alive," Natasha said confidently.

Natasha instantly stood up and walked to her daughters side so she could unlock the restraints, and then grasped her daughter in a tight hug.

Tears started rolling down both of their faces as the reunion continued.

"Mama I can't breathe!" Svet said hoping she spoke loud enough.

"Sorry detka." Natasha released her daughter a little.

Svet couldn't hear her mother speaking. So when she relaxed a little, she assumed her word got across.

"I missed you so much," The mother told her daughter.

When she got no response, she thought nothing of it.

"What are you doing Natasha?!" Rumlow bursted out as he and Steve came into the room.

"Why would you untie the enemy! She was working with the Winter Solider, you have no idea what she could be capable of. She deserves to be locked up and tortur-" Rumlow was cut off from his rant by the fiery red head, who seemed to be boiling with anger after his last comment.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on her!"

"Or what?"

"Or I will kill you myself!"

Svetlanna had no idea what threats were being sent around the room at the moment because her mother had a tight grip on her head, not allowing her to be able to look at everyone's lips.

"Come on Svetii!" Nat said while grabbing her hand.

Svet just assumed when she grabbed her hand and started walking, that they were leaving.

They approached the elevator to go down to the main floor so they could leave.

"We're going to go back to my hotel room and you can settle in a little. How does that sound?"

No response...

"Svet?" The mother questioned.

She tapped the girl on the shoulder, which made her look up at her mother.

"Did you hear me?"

"Oh no sorry, I'm deaf..." Svet said while putting her head down, ashamed of herself.

Natasha brushed the wave of shock off quickly, and raised her daughters head by using her finger to push up her chin.

"That's alright detka, nothing to be ashamed about. How do you communicate so well?"

"I lip read Mama."

Nat smiles at her little girl.

"Where are we going Mama?"

"We are going to my hotel room. You can settle in a little, and then how about we go to a restaurant for dinner?"

Svetlanna gives her mother a confused look.

" What is a restaurant Mama?"

Natasha mentally slaps herself realizing her daughter probably doesn't know a lot about the outside world.

"It is a place where people go and sit down with friends and family. You order food and other people make it for you. Most restaurants have really good food. There are also restaurants that have different types of food."

"That sounds really fun!" Svet's smile lights up and now she is really excited to go to a restaurant.

"Maybe one day Sashka, and Papa could come to?" Svet asks.

Nat smiles at her before responding.

"I sure hope so Svetii, I sure hope so."

Svet just smiles at her mothers response.

Natasha quickly realized that her daughter has no clothes, and her clothes won't fit an eight year old.

Shopping spree I guess!
She thinks to herself.

Natasha taps her daughter on the shoulder to get her attention.

"Hey Svet, how about we go get you some new clothes, hmm?"


"Alright, after that we will go get dinner."

After shopping for about an hour and a half, Svetlanna now has a whole new wardrobe.

Svet changes into some of her new clothes before they go into the restaurant.

"Table for two please." Nat asks the waiter.

"Right this way," the waiter responds as she grabs two menus and leads them to their table.

They sit down and Natasha helps Svet with choosing and ordering her food.

Awhile later the mother and daughter return to their hotel room and get changed into comfy clothes.

"There's only one bed, are you comfortable sleeping with me?"

Svet nods.

Nat smiles.

"Mama do you have a home?" Svet questions.

"Yes, but it is in New York. I have been in Washington for about a week for work."

"How long till we go back to New York?" Svet questions.

Nat smiles at the 'we' part.

"Two days. I just need to finish a few things up. Is that alright?"

"Of course Mama."

"Perfect...... off to bed now, you have had a long day."

Svet snuggles up to Nat out of instinct.

Nat wraps her arms around her daughter, and keeps her close.

"I love you Svetlanna."

"Love you to Mamma."

With that Natasha kisses Svetlanna head and they both dose off into a deep sleep.

Not a peaceful sleep.

Just a deep one...

Ok I am already in love with their mother daughter bond. Hope I get to add Sashenka into it soon.
Will they ever be a happy family of four?
Ig you will just have to keep reading to find out....

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