XII- Please

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(Russian is in italics)
New York December, 2013

It has been a couple weeks since the girls birthday, and the holidays are beginning.
Natasha is thinking of sending the girls to school after the holidays, but hasn't brought it up with them yet. But they do eventually have to go to school. They can't hold it off forever. 

Steve Rogers has decided to give his friend a visit today, without a warning.

Knock knock....

Natasha heads to the door wondering who could be there.


She thought to herself.

No, don't get your hopes up.

As she peeks through the peek hole, she sees a familiar face, not James, but pretty close.

"What's up Rogers?" She asks.

"Hello Romanoff," he greets. "Can I come in?" He asks. "We need to talk."

"Of course what's up?" She asks, concern overcoming her.

"It's about Buck," Steve tells her.

"What's wrong?" She asks, as fear joins her concern.

"As of right now it doesn't look like he will be let out anytime soon," he says sadly.

"Not even for Christmas?" Natasha ask, trying to hold back tears.

"I'm sorry."

"Can you try to get him out? For Christmas at least."



"I'll do my best."

"Thank you"

A couple hours later, Steve had left, Nat decided they needed to do something. She thought going to time square would be nice. It's close to the holidays so there are a lot of fun things to do. They can look at the lights, go ice skating, and walk around the market.
(I don't live in New York and don't know what happens at time square during the holidays so ya)

"Hey girls?" Natasha calls out for them.

"Ya?" She here's one of the respond.

"How would you like to go to Times Square for a bit?" She asks.

"Sounds fun!"

They get their jackets and other necessary winter gear on, and head out.

They walk around the market for a while and look at the lights, they didn't skate because the girls didn't want to.

After they came home, and Natasha made some hot chocolate to warm them up.

They decide to watch Christmas movies for the rest of the night, and order in dinner. They all fell asleep on the couch, cuddled up together in blankets.

Sorry it's short, and took me forever.
I started school and have a lot of home work:)
Will try to get the next one out sooner lol.

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