XI- Hellos and Goodbyes

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(Russian is in italics)
New York December 2, 2013



James pulls Natalia in, and Natalia melts into the hug. He has one arm around her waist, and one on her head. She is holding onto his neck for dear life.

"I missed you so much," it comes out of Natalia's mouth as a whisper. But James still heard it.

"I missed you too."

Natalia starts silently sobbing onto James's shoulder, and he doesn't notice until he feels her tears soak through his shirt.

He holds her tighter, not letting go.

Meanwhile, the girls finally got the volcano to erupt and are cleaning up so they can go inside and get warm.

"Can I come in?" James asks sheepishly.

"Of course come on." Natalia let's go of him, and then grabs onto his hand, to lead him to the kitchen where the kettle is done boiling.

As they enter the kitchen, they hear the girls come running over, and into their papas arms.


James holds them close.

"Happy Birthday!" He exclaims.

As they we're having their reunion, Natasha finished making the hot chocolates.

"Who wants some hot chocolate?" She asks the three people she would put her life on danger for.

"Ooo me!" Sash exclaims and runs over to Nat.

"Me too please," Svet says, while still clinging on to her Papa.

"James?" Natasha asks with a smirk.

"Alright, if you insist," he says in a joking tone.

They all sat in the kitchen, the girls on the bar stools, and Bucky and Nat on the other side of the counter.

"So what's in the agenda for today?"

"We're going to Hags for dinner!" Svet informed her Papa.

"Sounds like fun!"

"Are you going to come Papa?" Svet asks.

"If you want me to." He responds hoping for an invite.

"Of course we want you to papa," Sash says, almost offended he would think other wise.

Svet just nods along.

"Ok ok, was just making sure," he reassures his girls.

Nat just chuckles at them.

"Why don't we watch a movie?" Natasha suggests.

"Ya!" Svet shouts excitedly.

"Ooo what movie?" Sashenka asks.

"How about........? The Greatest Showman?" Svetlanna suggest.

"Sounds good Svetii," Natasha says.

"That sounds cool," Sashka says, excited to watch her first movie.

"Never heard of it." Bucky jokes.

"Your old!" Natasha tells him.

"Ouch," Bucky looks at her offended.

The girls just giggle at their parents bickering.

It's been a couple hours since Bucky arrived, and they are currently getting cleaned up for dinner. Their reservation is at 6, it is 5:30, and it is about a ten minute drive from the apartment.

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