IV- Mama?

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(Russian is in italics)
Shield facility, 2012

Svetlanna's POV:

Svetlanna is lead to a truck with the Captain. They get in and sit across from each other.

"What is your name?" Steve Rogers asks with his normal enthusiasm.

No response.

"Do you speak English?"

Slight nod.

"I'm Steve Rogers, now your turn." Steve tries again while giving the girl a small comforting smile.

Still no response.

"Do you have a name?"

Svet nods her head.

Ofcourse she does.

Is this guy stupid?

"Ok, umm, do you know how old you
are?" He tries something new.

"Eight." she finally speaks.

The captains eyes widen in shock.
How could Hydra make an eight year old do their dirty work for them.

"Alright, can you tell me your name? It will save you time in the interigation room." He tries again.

After pondering his words she decides telling him her name won't do much harm.


"Do you have a last name?"

"I don't know."

"Thats alright."

After that, the two of them sit in silence the rest of the way to Shield Headquarters.

Once they arrive, Steve escorts Svet to the integration room. She sits down and Steve locks her wrists to the table, so she can't escape.

"Natasha will be here any second to ask you some questions. Don't be intimidated by her. She may look scary but she is really a teddy bear deep down. But don't piss her off either," Steve stops to sigh "that doesn't usually end well."

Unsure of how to respond Svet just gives a confused nod to the older man as he leaves the room.

Outside Steve stands with Rumlow as Natasha walks up to them.

"Anything I should know before going in?" she asks Steve.

"Her name is Svetlanna, doesn't know her last name. And she is eight." he says the part about her age in a sadder tone.

"Good to know."

As Natasha enters the interrogation room she immediately stops in her tracks as she looks at the girl.

She recognizes the crimson red hair, pale skin, and button nose. She also notices that the girl has her eyes.

It can't be?

How is that even possible?

They were dead right?

Nat snaps herself out of her thoughts and goes to sit opposite of the girl.

As Nat sits down, Svetlanna recognizes her from a picture the madame had once showed her. She didn't hear what the madame said about her but she felt a weird feeling in her stomache.

"So, Svetlanna is it?"

Svet nods.

"Who do you work for and why were you with the Winter Solider?"

Svet thinks about wether she should answer the question or not.

What harm could it do?

They are bad people. They deserve to be turned in.

Maybe if you cooperate these people will help you.

"I don't know that I really work for anyone, but the Red Room sent me and my sister with him to distract any witnesses. That obviously failed."
She said the last bit under her breath, but Natasha still heard it.

"Your being a lot more cooperative than I thought?"

"What are they going to do to me?" She fires back, "it's not like they can hurt me anymore then they already have."Svet responded, not trying to sound like she was looking for sympathy.

"I am sorry."Nat gave her a sad smile

Svet just shakes her head

"Do you have any kind of personal relationship with the solider?" Nat is just trying to get confirmation that this is her daughter, and her other one is still out there.

"He is my Papa."

Natasha just gives the girl a unreadable expression.

She feels so happy and petrified at the same time.

One of her baby girls was sitting in the exact same room as her about two feet away.

Natasha just wants to leap across the table and hold on to her baby forever. But she must compose herself.

"What?" the girl asks, so confused at the women, who is her mother, expression.

Natasha looks at her daughter with so much love, guilt, and happiness in her eyes.

Then it all clicks in Svetlannas mind.


Ahhhhhhh she knowsss!!!!
Ok I am off yo write the next chapter.
I am so excited to write about this mother daughter duo!
Sorry for the cliffhanger as well, I'm sorry but I had to it went so well with the title and everything:\
Hope you enjoyed this chapter:)

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