The Aftermath Is Secondary...

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Four Years later

"Get up!" I was being dragged my the shoulder out of the back of a large van. I had been beat and put through agonizing pain. "I said, GET UP!" The loud booming voice hurt my ears, I tried to stand but my legs felt like jelly. "Get her bagged," The man whispered to another, meatier man. At that second I felt a sac drape of my face and my hands were tied behind my back. I was being tugged at to walk but my legs weren't strong enough, as I collapsed. I felt myself being dragged and kicked until I had blacked out.

I opened my eyes when I felt water being throw on to my face. I was still covered in the bag, but now that it was wet, it was very difficult to breath. "Pull her up," I heard a sharp, gritty voice order people. I was forcefully pulled to my knees and finally my face was uncovered. I looked around and saw that I was in a room full of dracs with their guns pointed at me. "Well look who finally woke up," said the gritty voice. I looked over at where it was coming from, it wasn't who I wanted it to be. It was some sort of secondary leader, I wanted Korse to kill me."What do you want?" I spat. "I want something you know," The man drew closer to me and grabbed my red hair and pulled it up so I was looking at him, eye to eye. "I know nothing!" I said and I spat in his face. He slapped me with his other hand and let go of my hair. Momentarily I felt better, until I felt the cold barrel of his gun press up against my jaw. "Now, I'm going to ask nicely, and you're going to tell us," The gun pressed further and It was now hurting me.

I remained silent and refused to tell him anything he wanted. "Where is Dr. D's base?" "Up your ass!" I spat. I felt a sharp pain go through my head as he smacked the butt of his gun onto my head. I felt light headed and I saw spots in my eyes. "Where. Are. The. Fabulous. Four?" He snarled leaning close to my face. "Who the hell are that?" I shouted. "I'm going to kill you if you don't tell me the truth!" "Then fucking kill me already!" I was screaming, spending all of my energy that I hoped I wouldn't need. The man grabbed my hair and pulled my head back and pressed the gun harder into my neck. I shut my eyes and waited for the end.

I heard the sound of the gun firing. And the pain coming from my head ended. Was I dead? I opened my eyes and saw the man laying in front of me in a pool of blood. I wasn't dead. Yet. Everything seemed to be moving so slow, I saw the dracs collapsing all around me. I was surprised I wasn't shot yet. Then the pain came back. It felt like a fire was in my side. Everything sped up to real time and I couldn't keep up. I was still on my knees. I felt my wrists burning from the rope tied tight around them. I felt so weak, I tried to call out for help. I was dying slowly, still tied up, even when my attackers were now dead. I heard one of the four men who were running through the room yell something that sounded like "She's hurt, get her!" But it sounded jumbled. I felt my legs getting weaker and they eventually buckled. I was now laying on the side that was burning and I felt like this was finally going to be the end. I was about to shut my eyes when I felt strong arms pick me up fast. I winced in pain because he grabbed my side, and I called out. "She's been shot!" I heard the one holding me shout. I felt the movement of him running and I decided I should go now.

I woke up in a soft bed in a dark room. I sat up quickly but my head pounded and I laid back down. I scanned my surroundings, it was defiantly not BL/Ind. It was too colorful. The walls were gray, but they had been spray painted over in bright colors. There were four brightly colored symbols on the far wall. After I had become familiar with the room I was in, I looked down my self. I felt very stiff and sore, like I had died. I inspected my limbs and saw quite a few scars and bruises. I dared look under the blanket at the wound I remember getting. I had a large patch of gauze wrapped around it. It was blotched with red and the bandage was surrounded in a black and blue sea. I sighed and thought how stupid I was for only having a short shirt/bra thing and tried to sit up again. I found my bright blue leather jacket hung up on the door handle, it was no longer covered in dust, and looked like I had just bought it. I found my tight faux leather pants and wrestled them on. I laced up my dark red combat boots, and grabbed my aviators off of the table and put them on my head, behind my ears. I was missing my fingerless gloves, and my gun, but I'm sure I can fine some. I opened the door silently and looked out. It led to a long hallway, which opened up into a bright room.

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