Go Kill The Party With Me

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Kobra had carried me into the diner and into the back room. He looked at my side and didn't think it was that bad, so he decided to take a look at my throbbing face, and still bleeding nose. "Well, your nose isn't broken. I don't think anyway. But your going to have a black eye for a few days," He threw me a towel to hold my nose. I didn't want to talk to Kobra, well I didn't want to talk to anyone, but Kobra just happened to be the one talking to me. "Atom, could you try and not rip open your side for a few days? If this doesn't heal soon you have a serious chance of dying," I didn't respond in anyway, but he took my silence as an answer.

After the pain in my side subsided, Kobra picked me up again and brought me to his room and laid me on his bed and got in with me. "Talk. Please," Kobra's eyes were staring intently into mine. "I don't want to see him again," "Trust me, I don't either, he's my brother, but how could he do that?" I looked away from him, because I felt guilty. But he used his hand to turn my face back toward him. He kissed me lightly on the lips and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back at him. He made my stomach do flips. I felt like I was becoming soft. "I don't want to be here right now," Kobra took my hand and responded, "We could go out to the bar?" "A drink would be nice right now," I said and Kobra laughed. "Here, lets go," We got up and I threw my jacket on that Kobra had taken off. We walked out into the diner, Ghoul and Jet were talking and ignored us. "We're going out, need the car for any reason?" Kobra asked. "Where are you going?" "The bar," "Can I come?" Jet asked. I looked at Atom and she smiled, "Yeah, you guys can come," We headed out and I heard Party on the roof. I never wanted to see him again, but I knew it was hurting him as much as it hurt me. Kobra felt this and whispered in my ear, "I don't want to, but he's my brother, can he come?" I nodded slowly and Kobra climbed up the ladder.

After a few minutes of mumbling, I saw Party and Kobra come down the ladder. We all climbed into the car and headed out. Kobra was driving, and Jet had called shot gun, so I was stuck in the back between two people, who earlier this day, hated me. I bet they still hate me, but know that I can run faster than they could. Party was trying to be as small has he could and as far away from me as possible. Ghoul eventually broke the silence, "So, how's your face?" I snickered at his question that he thought was going to sound better out loud. "Better, I can barely feel it. Too bad about the eye though," Ghoul nodded and then poked it. "Hey!" I said swatting his finger away with my hand. "I mean, I could be doing this," He then proceeded to repeatedly jab me in the side causing me to laugh and scream at him. "GHOUL!! STOOPP" I was laughing with tears in my eyes. Party seemed to lighten up, especially since I was moving toward him to get away from Ghoul.

Once we got to the bar, called The Clock, we climbed out and I stuck close to Kobra. We entered an old looking building then went down a long spiral staircase and were greeted with loud music and the sound of people talking. We entered into a room with the lights dimmed and bright ones flashing all over the place. I grabbed ahold of Kobra's hand, I hadn't been near this many people since before everything happened. He laughed a little and we all walked to the bar. We all ordered some drinks, which I knew nothing about, and found a high table to stand around. This place was full of bright colored clothing, and people with colored hair. It was amazing.

Party stayed pretty far away from me, but many people came up to him and talked about how they loved him and such. Party eventually started to lighten up, but would avoid me. I kept getting these looks about being with the Four, since no one has even heard of me. "Wanna dance?" Kobra asked, pulling me away from my thoughts. I gave him a weird look. "I can't dance," "Trust me, you can dance. Have you seen Ghoul dance? Anyone's better than him," I laughed at Kobra's remark but then almost died when Ghoul began dancing with Kobra. Ghoul eventually stopped, even though It looked like Kobra enjoyed it, and he took me into the crowd to dance. "What song is this?" I was really enjoying it and was bouncing around like an idiot. "They're from three, I forget their names, but they make great music," Kobra was laughing. He kept getting looks from other people, who were trying to dance with him.

"Hey Kobra! Wanna dance?" A girl asked. She had white hair, and Big blue eyes. She was wearing tight purple pants and a denim jacket. She looked at Kobra longingly. I smiled at Kobra and went to where we left our stuff. Party was sitting there, but Ghoul and Jet were no where to be seen. I still didn't want to talk to Party, but I wouldn't be mean. He did save me. "Hi," I sat next to him. "H-hi," He whispered. "Okay, so I'm not too happy with you," He was inspecting his fingers. "But, I want to forgive you and I need to forgive you, but-" "But its difficult to do that to someone who hurt you so much," Party finished my thought almost exactly. I nodded. "Well, I'll never hurt you again, and I never wanted to," "But how do I know you won't?" "Because-because," He put his face in his hands, "Because you're going back home," I sat there, stunned. I couldn't fight him, they took me in, and now they are done with me. "Okay," "You'll be home tomorrow, where did you live?" "In three," "I bring you back tomorrow morning,"

I ran up the stairs and sat leaning up against the car. I felt awful, I had created bonds, which I didn't want to happen, and now I'm losing them. Exactly what I thought was going to happen. I pulled my legs up to my chest, leaned my head against them, and closed my eyes. I saw the troops running toward the walls and heard the violent screams of the innocent civilians. I was supposed to die, I wasn't one of the rebels who ran away, I needed my family. But they were gone. "NO!" I screamed loudly. I saw the troops heads snap towards me and I ducked down below the wall. I curled up, with my knees to my chest and began to cry until I though all my tears were gone. "They're going to pay,"

"Atom," I looked up and saw Kobra looking at me concerned. "Atom, I've been saying your name for a few minutes. You were just sitting there shaking and crying," I put my head back down, I didn't want to look at Kobra, I wouldn't see him ever again. "Atom, please. Tell me what's wrong," I didn't talk. He sat down next to me and pulled me close to him. I took everything I had to not melt into his arms. "Is it about what happened this morning?" I shook my head. I couldn't tell him, I wouldn't be able to. "Then what is it?" I stayed silent and pulled away from him. I felt the pain in my chest just thinking about leaving him and going back to my hole I like to call a home.

Kobra sighed and leaned his head back on to the car. I looked at him and did the only thing an emotionally unstable person who was leaving the person she loved forever the next day. I kneeled over him and kissed him passionately. He put his hands on my waist and I put mine around his neck. He licked my bottom lips lightly and then bit it softly, making me let out a light moan. His tongue began exploring my mouth as he deepened the kiss. he pulled me close and moved his hands to the back of my thighs. We separated for a moment so we could breath. "Atom," He gasped. I smiled and so did he. He moved our kiss to my neck and nibbled a little. Kobra must have been very drunk, since he would have never done this sober. He nibbled on my neck and a moan escaped my mouth. He smile and continued to kiss that spot, causing me to squirm. He held me tighter and looked me in the eyes. "Atom, I lov-" He was cut off by the sound of people walking up the stairs. It was a drunk Ghoul being quite loud. I rolled off Kobra and stood up. "Time to go," Party said. He was looking at me intently, I knew that he meant that I was leaving soon.

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