Pills Don't Help But It Sure Is Funny

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-Kobra Kid's POV-

"You look so lovely in blue and red." I shuddered at Korse's words, he had beat my Atom, she didn't deserve this. I heard her gasp and then silence for a moment. I was sitting in the booth holding the radio. The others were near me, but they were concentrating on what was happening that evening. The silence was broken soon after, "Princess, why don't you love me?" What was he doing? "I will NEVER love you,"I heard Atom scream. I heard a loud thud and then the connection ended. I laid my head on the table and stayed there for awhile.

"Kobra, it'll be okay, you'll get her back tonight," I heard Party say. "How do you know? They could kill her, they could kill us!" I shouted. I looked and saw Party's determined face, which meant he knew what to do. "I-I just feel so guilty," i whispered and Party tried to comfort me.

"We should get going," I heard Ghoul say. I stood up and walked over to the Trans AM, we had threatened them that we would bring backup, but we had lied, we didn't tell anyone about our plan. I got in the back and so did Ghoul. Party and Jet sat up front. The tension in the car was high and we were all scared and nervous about what was to happen.

We were nearing the base that we had discovered a few days ago. It was close to sunset and we decided to park the car further away to avoid being heard. We all had our guns out, with the safeties off. We were all determined to make this mission a success, but we didn't know if it would end the way we wanted it.

Party walked back to me and put his arm around me, "Whatever happens tonight, I love you, and so does Atom. Just know that," I nodded and Party jogged up to the front. We were very close now and the sun was setting. I was ready to go.

-Atom's POV-

I heard foot steps running around outside of my door and alarms going off, what was happening? The door of my cell swung open and a man came in and grabbed me roughly, dragging me out. We were heading down a new corridor that I didn't recognize. The door swung open and I was Greeted by the heat from outside. I was surrounded by dracs with their guns held up. The man pushed me ahead and the dracs hid behind the walls. "Keep walking until we tell you to stop," The man called from behind me. The sun was setting, and I knew the Four would be here soon. I need to warn them. I'd rather get shot than them. "STOP!" I heard the man call. I felt every bone in my body ache and I felt the blood dripping off of me. I felt the sandy wind blowing against my tender skin, causing me to wince. I was searching for the Four, thinking of a plan.

I saw small figures in the distance, and I could clearly see their bright clothes. They were walking and I wasn't sure if they saw me or not. They grew larger and I could see it on their faces that they saw me. Once they were close enough to make out details, their faces became shocked and frightened. Kobra's face made me feel sick, he looked like he hasn't slept and his reaction to how I looked caused me pain. "Atom!" I heard him call. I stood stiff, and Party stopped mid step. He knew something was wrong. "Atom!" Kobra started to run toward me. I heard the man behind me yell and I screamed. "RUN!" Party grabbed Kobra and the Four took off running. Kobra was struggling against them. The man behind me ran up to me and threw me to the ground. "You fucking idiot!" He screamed. He hit me with his gun and I heard Kobra scream.

The man grabbed me and held his gun at my chest. I pushed his hands away from me, the shot grazed my side, but I managed to unarm him and shoot him in the head. I began running as fast as my weak body could. "Party!" I screamed. I saw him turn around and so did the others. He saw me running and the dead body behind me. The dracs began shooting at me, barely missing me. The Four ran to me and helped me fight the dracs who were now running after me. I turned to fight them, more dracs where there than I originally thought. The Four where knocking down three dracs each before I could even get one. I heard Ghoul call out and my eyes traveled to try and find him, but I pushed to the ground before I could. I was on my knees, with my hair being gripped from above. "Now look what you've done, Princess,"

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