chapter eleven | we'll meet again

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we'll meet again

┏━━━✦❘༻✶༺❘✦━━━┓CHAPTER ELEVENwe'll meet again┗━━━✦❘༻✶༺❘✦━━━┛

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THE LAPPING LAKE water had an ever-present beat in Diana's ears that seemed to pull her into a trance as she watched the waves gently caress the bank. The air was cold despite the sunlight, leaving Diana to pull Steve closer into her side to soak up the body heat he emanated. Her black turtleneck dress did no justice for Diana's plights as her body shivered all over. Even Charlie seemed to notice, stepping closer to her to block some of the cold wind, it only helped by a fraction. Her eyes pulled away from the shore as she watched Pepper and Morgan approach the end of the dock, in her hand, a glass case that contained Tony's first arc reactor, framed by flowers and the words "Proof that Tony Stark has a Heart" engraved around it.

Tears that had already welled in Diana's eyes had spilt over her flush face, instantly being cooled by the harsh breeze. Her sniffling didn't go unheard as the woman who accompanied Peter, his Aunt May, had briefly turned around to offer Diana a tissue. The blonde graciously accepted the offer and gave a quiet thanks to the woman before she turned back around to comfort Peter.

Soft music was played through Tony's outdoor speakers that sat somewhere on his porch. It was pushed to her subconscious as she thinks about every moment she's ever spent with her friend. All the way back to 2012, looking for the tesseract, eating blueberries and calling out intelligence agencies for their incompetence. The scene remained like that for a while, no one dared move away as they watched the arc reactor wade away in the water, truly representing that he was no longer in their lives.

Pepper and Morgan were the first to go inside, quickly followed by Happy and Rhodey, more and more people had gone inside, reminiscing on their memories. Diana remained there, even releasing Steve from her hold to allow him to regroup with Bucky, Sam and Wanda. Eventually, it was Diana and Charlie, her hand in her nephews, holding on tight. She couldn't leave just yet, she couldn't say goodbye just yet.

She wiped her tears one last time before she and Charlie turned away from the dock, walking back to land. Walking back to Diana's new reality. When the toe of her shoe hit the grass, Charlie froze. Diana looked up at his face, confusion etched onto hers as she noticed the shocked expression he wore. She followed his line of sight to see that he was staring down Peter Parker who seemed to look alarmed by the sight before him.

"Wait, is that actually Peter Parker?" Charlie asked.

"Spider-man? Yeah," Diana shrugged, then the realization dawned on her, "Hold on, do you know him?"

"Yeah," Charlie finally blinked before looking at Diana, "He's in half my classes and we're in a lot of the same clubs."

Diana looked back at Peter who murmured something to May before approaching them. Diana gave the boy a small wave.
"Hey, Peter," Diana gave a small wave, "I never got to apologize for blasting at you that one time in the airport, so uh, sorry about that."

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