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┏━━━✦❘༻✶༺❘✦━━━┓JUSTIFIEDepilogue ┗━━━✦❘༻✶༺❘✦━━━┛

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THE KNIFE IN her chest should have hurt. She should be on her knees rapidly losing blood but it's not happening yet. Though after having so many dreams with scenarios like this one, Diana knows she's in another nightmare. Her steps were as if she was trudging through mud but she's on the street outside her and Bucky's Home. She should've known that this dream would end this way, the really good dreams always do.

Bucky's body laid convulsing on the sidewalk, a pool of his blood large enough to tell Diana that even as a super soldier, it wasn't looking like either of them would be getting out of this alive. After fighting the cement in her muscles, Diana was finally on her hands and knees, crawling to the man she's shared a bed with for a year, her sobs wracking her body.

The sound of the monster's crackling yellow energy sent a chill down her spine and her skin went cold. She looked up, a demon with her face, eyes consumed by the yellow curse. Her body was covered with energy. She only shook her head, her face contorted into a disgusted glare as she observed herself.

"You are so pathetic!" She hissed out, "that is why you'll die with him!"

Panic rose in her throat, she knew what was coming next, her skin grew hot and slick with sweat, but her hands and feet were getting colder and colder by the minute. Darkness was edging her vision and things were starting to become nonsensical.

A device that she never noticed on her doppelgängers wrist until now was brought up, and after a few taps, a sheer doorway opened behind the monster. A sick grin spread on her face as she turned to the doorway and ran in. The door closed right after, leaving Diana and Bucky to bleed out on the sidewalk.

The dread that she'll never see his smile again brought hot tears to her sweaty face as she looked down to see that Bucky was already dead, a hole in his chest and his heart missing. Bucky had been gone before Diana even reached him.

Diana's own heart found a home in her stomach as she fell to her side, her sobs taking over as her life drifted from her own body.

The realization that she wasn't even in her bed anymore overcame her when she found herself upright at the foot of her bed, heaving as she looked around the room. Pale moonlight faintly illuminated everything, and soft yellow street lights filled in the gaps. She looked back at the bed to see that Bucky was still there, his soft snores filled the silence once her breathing calmed down.

Her clothes stuck to her body from the cold sweat she developed, a frown settled on her face as she made her way out to the kitchen. Nat was at her feet chirping a greeting to her. Diana quickly picked the cat up, stroking its back as she grabbed a bottle of water from her fridge, quickly chugging it down.

The kitchen light came on, making both the woman and the cat jump. Startled, Diana spun around to see Bucky leaning in the doorframe of the kitchen, his tired eyes squinted as he stared her down.

"Another nightmare?" He asked.

"Yeah," she mumbled, staring at the part of his chest where a hole had been when she dreamed, "they're getting more and more violent, and just weird as hell overall."

"I'm sorry," Bucky spoke softly, calmly, he was one of the few people in the world that understood nightmares like hers. He slowly stepped forward and pulled her into his arms, Nat started to purr louder at the close proximity with the two, "Jesus, you're sweaty."

Diana couldn't help the snort that left her body.

"Oops," She replied, tiredly resting her head on his chest, "and not in a fun way either."

Bucky scoffed as he pulled away, shaking his head as he stepped back into the doorway.

"Come to bed soon," He requested, stepping out fully to go back to their bedroom.

Diana leaned against the counter, her bottle of water that was now half full in one hand and her cat in her other arm, she sighed, leaning her head back against the cabinet above. She'll be returning to their bed soon. But she wanted there to be enough space between her nightmare and whatever her brain may show her next.

She flinched as she remembered the way the knife had been plunged into her chest, and she couldn't bear to remember the hole in Bucky's. Beth has done all that she could with these nightmares, nothing seems to help.

It had been months since the Flagsmashers had been stopped, and unfortunately, killed, and Diana was still no closer to a resolution to these nightmares. Setting Nat down, she finally made her way back to their room to change and climb into the bed where Bucky waited for her.

His arm immediately made its way around her waist, pulling her close to his body. Diana pressed her forehead into his neck, her eyes squeezed shut as she tried pushing the memories of her nightmare away and relaxing.

"Don't worry," Bucky mumbled, "I'm here with you, alive. I'm not going anywhere."


887 words

I'm not ready to say goodbye, so before you guys put the book away, just remember that I still have a surprise for you all!! DONT LEAVE JUST YET!! get ready for something big in the next few days TRUST ME!!!!

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I'm not ready to say goodbye, so before you guys put the book away, just remember that I still have a surprise for you all!! DONT LEAVE JUST YET!! get ready for something big in the next few days TRUST ME!!!!

Not a goodbye!! Stay tuned!
- greta!

Not a goodbye!! Stay tuned!- greta!

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