chapter eighteen | supernova

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┏━━━✦❘༻✶༺❘✦━━━┓CHAPTER EIGHTEENsupernova┗━━━✦❘༻✶༺❘✦━━━┛

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(episode four - the whole world is watching pt. 2)

THE BED WASN'T warm. Diana tossed and turned but each position pointed out a new flaw. She couldn't identify a good spot to lie on, nor find a way to hold herself that would allow her to get some good sleep. It was starting to become pointless. The closest she would get to rest for the next few hours is just going to be her laying on the mattress and closing her eyes. Diana huffed at the conclusion she came to with herself and lied still on her back, a frown settling deep on her face, the muscles pulled so tight by the expression, she worried that it might actually stay like that forever despite what science and common sense tells her.

Thoughts of the funeral and its complete disaster were now at the forefront of her mind. There are going to be no leads for a while unless Sharon still had tricks and informants up her sleeve. It'd be hard to think that no one in Madripoor would know nothing about the Flagsmashers besides Selby or Nagel. Diana's frown made itself deeper with the memory of their blood spraying on or near her. She still needs to deck Zemo for that.

She pulled out her phone, checking the time and the group chat with the Andersons. There were a couple questions there about dinner and who would be home for what, nothing that had to do with Diana for the moment. Until a new question popped in.

Aunt D, when are you going to be in New York again?

I think I'm out of leads at the moment, so probably soon, I still have a few unturned stones so when that's taken care of, I'll let you guys know. You guys are locking down the house before bed though, right? Tony's security system is still installed.

Yes, it's a part of the routine, and please be careful out there with those super soldiers, I don't want to have to fly out there and show those assholes not to mess with my sister.

Yeah I know damn well no one wants to watch you throw your damn back out when you step out of the terminal, you might just unite the damn UN with that shit, Charles.

Shut up, Tonya

Diana snorted after that, rolling her eyes as the two siblings fought. She sat up, getting ready to shut it down, but a slam of the doors being broken in made her jump, her phone flying out of her hands to the other side of the mattress. Diana jumped out of the bed, barely pulling on her shoes before running out of the bedroom to the living room where there was more commotion.

"Hey slow your roll," Diana heard Sam say when she was finally within earshot. Zemo was getting up from the couch as John and Lemar were walking into the room, looking prepared for a fight, Bucky was a few feet from the island counter with a glass of whiskey in his hand, "let's be clear: shield or no shield, the only thing you're running in here is your mouth. Now I had Karli and you overstepped, he's actually proven himself useful today and we're gonna need all hands on deck for whatever's coming next."

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