[1] Sep 4, 2022 - Sunday 16:04 [1]

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| Residence 

Fuck... fuck... fuck...

I'm running through the rain with nothing to cover me, holding a bag of groceries in each hand and... because I'm stupid, I also have a package of rice in each pocket of my black jacket. I really thought these bags would be enough... I don't like going out much, so yeah... I may have exaggerated and brought more than I should have at once.

I finally make it to the door of my residence. Awkwardly, I try to reach into the pocket of my jeans to get the key. As I try... and fail... to get the key from my pocket a... a girl inside the building appears and starts walking in the door direction. My heart races... with each step she takes, making me increasingly more nervous. I tense up, 'cause I'm aware that I'm soaked from the rain and... carrying packages of rice in my pockets.

She opens the door for me.

"Gamsahamnida. Thank you," I say lowering my head, smiling and feeling embarrassed.

She remains silent, waiting for me to enter.

Oh, a gentlewoman, I see...

I don't like to look people in the eyes, especially girls. But as I go in and she's going out, I don't feel her gaze on me anymore, so I can't help but notice her for two seconds.

Not to sound gay, but she's so beautiful... her dark brown hair... dark brown cat-shaped eyes... and she's pressing her lips into a smile, I...

I just know that she's trying to stifle her laughter.

I made a cute girl smile, but at what cost?


♪ [ ~ LIMBO - keshi ~ ]

I entered my apartment and stowed away all that I bought. I'm sitting on the windowsill in my living room, scrolling through my feed on my phone and occasionally glancing outside.

At least there's her... Yoohyeon... she said she likes hardworking people...

"I'm trying my best, ma'am," I chuckle, breathing out as I look out the window.

With the first semester starting tomorrow, there's a flurry of new people coming in and out of the residence. As for me, I hope this is my final year here... just this semester and another one... just two more to endure...

When people say that university times were the best years of their life... I really feel like... damn, don't show me the rest...

I thought university would be the place where I could finally open up, make friends, and find people I could truly relate to, as I never really had that before. I believed that in this place, I could start over since nobody knew me. I could be just like I always wanted to be, and... people would either understand it or not, but this time I wouldn't care... 'cause I was alone from the start. I wouldn't be losing anything or disappointing anyone by trying to be myself... so I really thought that things could be different...

Despite feeling more happier with myself after these four years... in terms of fitting in... and finding my people... well... I'm starting to think that might never happen... 'cause all I did was... classmate friends... people I say hi to in the hallways and study together with from time to time, and that's mostly it. If it weren't for group projects, I probably wouldn't even have that. 

I don't blame them... I'm not easy to be friends with. First... I don't talk to new people voluntarily, and second, the few people that I know... I don't really like to go out, I'm a horrible texter, and I'm always tired. So even if we had a good relationship while working together, once the project ends, all basically starts to slowly fade away too. Well, at least that has happened with almost everyone... except for one girl.

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