[2] Sep 5, 2022 - Monday 10:32 [2]

411 18 2

| University

I'm in a theoretical class, sitting at the back of the auditorium, on the left side as I always do... and almost sleeping here. It's the first class, which they are known to end faster... but here we are.

Why did I fucking stay up until 3 am watching a series last night? Hm?

I breathe out, rubbing the bridge of my nose and readjusting my glasses in the right position again. They're basically just to protect my eyes, but if I keep watching series all the time, there's really nothing that can prevent me from getting a headache any time soon.

Fuck it, it was worth it. 

I chuckle.


I place my hand on my forehead, covering my face.

Let's just close our eyes for a few seconds... one... two... this is normal... three. Okay, maybe that's too long.

I open them again.

"What the fuck..." I mutter.

The girl I saw yesterday is entering the room. She cautiously closes the door, tries to sneak past the teacher who's facing the board and starts to go up to take a seat. 

I can't help but tense up as she looks up.

Please don't sit next to me, please... I don't know why, but just the thought of it makes me panic. I'm in the end rows 'cause I'm always late, and I don't like going through people or sitting next to randoms, so I just sit in the back. She's going up, up, fuck, fuck. She turns around just two seats above.

I breathe more lightly.

Ya...! What was that for? Control your gay ass better next time...

She sits next to Rosé, the girl, yes... the girl that is basically my only friend here.

Hmm, they seem to know each other.

Well, I guess there's no one that Rosé doesn't know.

She's the type of person who's a bit shy at first, but then she quickly starts to open up and talk freely with everyone. I admire that about her. She brightens everyone's days... my days. The world doesn't seem so bad when she's next to me and we laugh together. But the thing is... when she's with other people in groups, I don't feel comfortable approaching her... that's why if she's not alone... I just sit alone... it's stupid... I'm stupid. Let's just... move on.


The class put me in a sleepy-sleepy mood again. 

I glance in the direction of the new girl and... can't help but chuckle and smile. Her notebook is full of cute stickers, and... of course, she's the type of girl who takes... readable... notes with colourful colours.

I admire the commitment... I really do... but I can't relate. My notebook is full of drawings and sparse annotations, everything in just black and grey... and I really don't know what she's taking notes about. The teacher is just reading the slides. I-I... I should have stayed home...


I glance at my phone.

[Rosé: Can we reschedule our study for tomorrow?]

I look in Rosé's direction. She is making gestures for me to check my messages.

Ma'am... I already read it. I chuckle at her non-verbal, not subtle in the least, cues.

I grab my phone and she fixes her gaze on me with keen attention.

[Lisa: No]

She looks down and shoots me an irritated glance. I bite my lip to stifle my laughter.

[Rosé: Why? I know u don't have anything planned]

[Lisa: Doing nothing is something]

[Rosé: If you don't come, I'll go grab you]

[Rosé: You decide]

She raises her eyebrows teasingly at me.

I roll my eyes.

[Lisa: Fine, tomorrow it is]

[Rosé: Omo, really? Thank u]

I think this is what it feels like to be adopted by an extrovert, or at least someone more extroverted than me, which... isn't hard.

I wonder if... she'll ever get bored with me... it's too late to say I wouldn't care if she did.

Look at you, caring about a person. That's new.

ThAtS nEw.

I chuckle.

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